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Ulfkotte and the Jews (2): Casher Meat Allowed until German Jews Become too Numerous? 25.5 [EN]

[...]Ridiculous, but also dangerous...
It is all ridiculous. We had already some good laughs with Ulfkotte, when he symbolized Muslim aggression with an image stolen from a violent American subculture-movie. And also, when he tried to set up a "gang-shop" with Judeo-Christian hate-shirts and bags for the thousands of young Ulfkotte-fans he imagined that were going to the Brussels September 11 anti-Eurabia Manifestation he tried to dominate over his (since repudiated) friends from SIOE and of the Belgian right wing Flemish chauvinist party Vlaams Belang.
But the context of the actions of Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is too serious, to keep on laughing. Ulfkotte combines his hate-mongering against Islam with juridical harassing of German bloggers, in an effort to silence them. So he is, in my opinion, a danger to freedom of expression on the Web.

Plays into the Hands of Radical Islamists - Intentionally?
And his conscious- ,or unconscious-, caricaturisation of the "serious" populists and white supremacists, makes him a vector of the following:

Grundsätzlich befürchtet Dantschke*), dass die Rhetorik solcher Blogs den Islamisten letztlich zuarbeite und sie stärke. Es werde darin eine homogene muslimische Gemeinschaft gezeichnet und diese durch zahlreiche Beispiele pauschal kriminalisiert. Dies ermögliche es islamistischen Organisationen wiederum, die These des "Kampfes der Kulturen" zu propagieren, nach welcher der Islam dem Westen nach dem Kalten Krieg als neues Feindbild In Sachen westliche "Welteroberung" diene. Auch bestärke es Islamisten in ihrer Erklärung, sie seien die "Verteidiger der Interessen der Muslime".
Basically, Dantschke*) fears, that the rhetorics of this kind of blogs helps and invigorates the Islamists in the end. An image of a homogeneous Muslim community is suggested and that community is being undistinctively criminalized by way of numerous examples. Islamist organizations, then, are being facilitated in their propaganda of the thesis of the "Clash Of Civilizations", that implies that the Islam serves the West as a new "Empire Of Evil" after the Cold War within the context of a Western world domination. It reinforces also the Islamist claim, that they are the sole "defenders of Muslims' interests".
*) Ms. Dantschke is a Berlin researcher, interviewed by the author of the haGalil article. She is also co-author of a publication sponsored by the German FBI (2003/2006), in which she calls Ulfkotte a "racist". See our notes about it in French and in German)

However, shouldn't we eliminate the possibility, that Ulfkotte's hate-mongering is UNconscious?
In the Mossad-Sarkozy hoax we published last week here, he implies, that the Mossad and Sarkozy aimed at exactly the above effect! Ulfkotte cannot deny that he believes in the effectiveness of hate-mongering by targeted (dis-)information. Is it imaginable, that he doesn't realize what he is doing, when he does so himself?

Forcing themselves on Israel and on Jews
It is a common phenomenon, that hate-mongerers like Ulfkotte, try to force themselves on Israel (and on the Jews) as their greatest allies in a world of anti-Semites and Arabophiles. Filip Dewinter, leader of the Vlaams Belang, went in 2004 to Israel and got some Antwerp Jews to join his racist movement. PI has some Israelian correspondents and associates with the Kagane heritage in Brooklyn. American Christian Hate-Islam meetings against the Islamic headscarf, often feature an ex-American Jewish lady, now a convinced colonist on Palestinian soil, who wears a gigantic wig, as prescribed by Jewish Orthodox law for married women (like the Muslim headscarf)...

In the above example of ritual/non-ritual slaughtering, we have seen, how thin and how opportunist the line is, between tolerating, even "admiring", cultural and religious usages, and discriminatory agaitation against them. For Ulfkotte, it is a question of numbers, he says. The moment, he judges, that a "demographical unbalance" comes into being, anything should be allowed in agitation against the intruders.
But, for the time being, he tries to mislead the Jews with "scurrilous" reasonings.

How "Functional Principles" are Born...
Ajaan Hirsi Ali, who, in contrast to Ulfkotte, has developed a theory about the fundamental evilness of Muslims, all Muslims, and particularly the "moderate" people among them, made a proposal, in 2003, in Dutch Parliament, to forbid "genital mutilation" of women, which seems all right to me, but at the same time, of the Islamic prescription about the male circumcision. She had, otherwise than Ulfkotte, no excuse by some unrelated (and pretended) principle, and was embarrassed by hostile Jewish comments against that plan. When she realized, that in the USA, circumcision is very common, also among non-Jews, she was quick to abandon her principles in so far as they concerned male circumcision...

...and how OLD the hate- and fear-mongering against ritual slaughter is!
An interesting precursor of the Ulfkottean agitation against ritual slaughtering, occurred in the beginning of the twentieth century in the Aargau Canton of North-East Switzerland. Since late Roman times, the region has a large Jewish minority population.
Charles Lewinsky describes in a great family chronicle ("Melnitz", 1865-1945), how the "Bürgerbewegungen" of that epoch, prefiguring Pax Europa and its ideologue, masked themselves as animal-protectors against the Jews and hired radical Jewish apostates to obtain at the referendum a majority against ritual slaughtering. They were successful. The interdiction of ritual slaughtering still exists in Aargau. Jewish butchers have to import casher meat from Germany and neighboring France.
If Pax Europa and its local affiliate "Zukunft.CH" are still looking for ways to prove their stand against antisemitism, why not organize a picket line in Zürich in favor of the restitution of the right to ritual slaughter in Aargau?

< Buy Charles Lewinskys Melnitz via HUIBSLOG at (in German) (An English translation was not found).

Jewish refusal to play into the hands of "demographic" agitators
haGalil has the last word: [...]

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Peinlich 25.5 [DE]

< Bürgermeister Michael Kessler, Zahra Deilami und Anis Ben Rhouma (rechts) zeigen die Gedenktafel an Sally Perel. Die neuen Hausbesitzer, die nicht im Foto gezeigt werden möchten, wollen die Tafel wieder anbringen. PN-Foto: Bode
(Aus:, 23.05.08)

Die Stadt Peine befindet sich zwischen Hannover und Wolfsburg. Ein junges deutsches Ehepaar (Mann: libanesischer Herkunft, Frau italienischer Idem) hat sich im Zentrum, am Damm Nummer Eins, ein Wohnhaus gekauft, dessen Fassade renoviert und neu angestrichen. Wie alle andere Nachbarn auch, hat es sich beworben um die städtische Mitfinanzierung, die den Hauseignern im Innenstadt versprochen war, wenn sie das Aussehen ihres Besitzes verbessern.
Statt sich darüber aufzuregen, dass es in Peine bis zum Jahre 2000 hatte dauern müssen, bevor die Stadt ihren in 1925 geborenen Nazi-Opfer Sally Perel eine Ehrenring verlieh und ein Denkmal an seinem Geburtshaus stellte, schrieb Ulfkotte in Akte Islam:
„Mit Abscheu und tiefer Empörung habe ich das skrupellose Vorgehen des libanesischen Mitbürgers zur Kenntnis genommen und werde nicht untätig bleiben. Mich hat nicht nur die aus Bürgersicht eiskalte Erpressung der Stadt Peine (die Forderung nach finanzieller Beteiligung an Renovierungskosten als Junktim für das Wiederanbringen der Gedenktafel), sondern ebenso die von dem Moslem angeführte „religiöse“ Begründung für dieses verachtenswerte Vorgehen zutiefst erschüttert. Hoffentlich werden sich viele Menschen an Mahnwache, Kundgebung und Demonstration beteiligen, zu denen ich aufrufe.“
Was Dr. Ulfkotte als "Nebel" verurteilt, ist aber nur einfach die Wirklichkeit. Eine soziale, ökonomische, administrative und psychologische Wirklichkeit, die nicht aufhört, die schwarz-weiss Schemata des Akte Islam und des Pax Europa zu stören. Der Bürgermeister, der SPD-Ratsfraktionsvorsitzender und die Beamtin von Peine, haben nichts "vernebelt", sie haben nur nüchtern ein Missverständnis gelöst. Der Stadtrat, der ganze Stadtrat, auch die CDU, hat Beifall geklatscht.

Der Einzige der enttäuscht die Szene verlässt, ist Dr. Ulfkotte.

Wir hoffen, dass er sich noch oft im Nebel der toleranten Gutmenschen verirren wird.

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Ulfkotte’s legal robbery assault on his online critics has stalled 21.5 [EN]

Junge Welt editor Knut Mellenthin has promised to no longer make the claim that Ulfkotte has been spreading “fabricated and untrue” information on the Internet. The other characterizations concerning Udo Ulfkotte as a person, or of his blog Akte Islam (The Islam File),that were included in the complaint at the Frankfurt court, can be used with impunity.

For example, we can still say that Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is a “questionable sensation journalist” and is a “so-called security expert”, and not have to worry about being tormented by the Ulfkotte -Pax Europa debt collection agency (If I assume that Mellentin is correctly cited in an article in Politically Incorrect in January 2007).

The “settlement” between Ulfkotte’s and Mellenthin’s lawyers appears to be in reality a barely concealed setback for Ulfkotte, if one reads the report about it in PI carefully. The written opinion is not yet available. But the lack of enthusiasm exhibited by the PI-“news hounds” as exhibited in their report from observed the court proceedings in Frankfurt, provides grounds for optimism.

This "settlement" is a new instance in the story of legal harassments perpetrated in Germany by the ONG "Pax Europa" and Mr. Ulfkotte, its president, himself. While avoiding official or powerful critics (like the German FBI or the Jewish liberal organizations in Germany and Switzerland, who repeatedlyand publicly called Ulfkotte a "racist"), Ulfkotte and his front shops select bloggers who say the same things, as target of their "advocacy". Ulfkotte obtained several victories against isolated bloggers, like an university assistant professor and an employee of the German Army, implicitly menacing them with retaliation by way of their employers. In the Mellenthin case, he seems to have underestimated his target, for he merely obtained a lame, fast surrealistic, settlement.

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Pax Europa und Bund der Bürgerinitiativen: Eine Notehe 5.18 [DE]

Sie hat sich feierlich vollzogen: Die Zwangsehe zwischen dem Bunde der Bürgerbewegungen (BdB) und Pax Europa (PE). Zwangsehe, weil keine der beiden Partner sich als existenzfähig bewiesen hat. 1191208-1578578-thumbnail.jpg
Schwend und Ulfkotte: Gleichgeschlechtliche Zwangsehe mit udopischen Zielen

Aber die neue Kleider des nackten Kaiserspaares, obwohl ganz virtuell, sind für uns nicht ohne Konsequenz.


Nachdem seine Versuche mit SIOE, mit dem Vlaamschen Belang, mit den bremer Bürgern in Wut, mit Pro-Kölln und mit Zukunft.CH (Basel, Schweiz), alle erfolgslos blieben, hat Dr. Udo Ulfkotte endlich einen Partner gefunden, der das verfehlte 'Pax Europa'-Konzept liebevoll zu sich nehmen wollte.

Die anemische 'Bürgerbewegungen' des Herrn Schwend ...

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