Dialogue belge 19.5 [FR] [NL]
René Magritte: Une solution négociée?
René Magritte: Een onderhandelde Oplossing?
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Belgium is falling apart: How Brussels' citizens defend their multicultural community...
René Magritte: Une solution négociée?
René Magritte: Een onderhandelde Oplossing?
"Junge Welt" Redakteur Knut Mellenthin (foto) hat versprochen, nicht mehr zu sagen dass Ulfkotte im Internet "verfälschte und unwahre Nachrichten" verbreite.
Sonstige Charakterisierungen der Person Udo Ulfkottes und des Hetzblogs "Akte Islam", die von Ulfkotte vorm frankfurter Landsgericht beanstandet wurden, dürfen weiter verwendet werden.
Deshalb können wir zum Beispiel weiterhin ohne Furcht vor Belästigung vom Inkassobüro Ulfkotte-Pax Europa, behaupten, dass Dr. Udo Ulfkotte ein "“fragwürdiger Sensationsjournalist” und Sicherheitsexperte in Anführungszeichen" sei. (Wenn ich unterstelle, dass PI in einem Artikel von Januar 2007, den Mellentin richtig zitiert hat.)
Der "Vergleich" zwischen des Anwälten Ulfkottes und Mellenthins scheint, wenn man das Bericht in PI darüber gut lest, in Wirklichkeit eine kaum getarnte Niederlage für Ulfkotte darzustellen...
Behind het Muslim Half Moon - the Magen Adom? - Ulfkotte thinks so...It is hard to believe your eyes ,when you get to page 57 of the "Mossad" chapter of Ulfkotte's 2006 book about the world's secret services.*) Ulfkotte would make us believe, that a Jewish conspiracy between the Mossad and Sarkozy, (who indeed has some Jewish roots), manipulated the French presidential elections which were scheduled for May 2007.
*) Udo Ulfkotte: Der Krieg im Dunkeln - Die wahre Macht der Geheimdienste, Frankfurt/M, February 2006. ("The War in the Dark - The True Power of the Secret Services").
In November 2005, violent rebellions were shaking French suburbs. Young immigrants were confronting the police. Arson, cars in flames, deaths, wounded and mass arrests. French Minister of the Interior at that time, was Nicolas Sarkozy, who vowed to "clean up that mess with a Kärcher" (a powerful cleaning machine). Half of French citizenry applauded, the other half was disgusted. The latter half was the majority, at that moment still clinging to Socialist presidential candidate Ségolène Royal.
I happen to know somewhat intimately, for more than 35 years, the French suburbs. It is my work. Immigrants from a number of countries of Africa, of the Caribbean and of Asia are stacked in apartment buildings, far from downtown life, and far from accessible facilities for education, culture and work. Roughly 60% are from Islamic origins, the others are Christians or something else. In another country, such a situation would have lead to much more problems than it has done in France. Most inhabitants of those modern slums are proud, to be French, or to be in a position to become French.