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Entries in Geert Wilders (39)


Dutch Justice publishes an Anti-Fitna, as Wilders has to appear in Court on 20/1. [EN]

Somebody within the Dutch Justice bureaucracy must have had a great idea. "Let's make a YouTube Video to counter Geert Wilders! He did his "Fitna" thing in March 2008. We do our Justice thing in January 2010! And it worked! A simple device helped Dutch legal people to becole cool.

This day, 20 january 2010, the Amsterdam High Court, is to listen to Mr. Geert Wilders' defense against the multiple accusations for hate-mongering and incitement to racial hate against Muslims, Mr. Wilders is accused of in the Dutch Court. An official prosecution YouTube is on the air:

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A Kurt Westergaard Cartoon that Wilders will not publish on his Website [EN]

Westergaard's Wilders caricature (2008), published in the Danish Press.

Some days ago, Kurt Westergaard, one of the Danish cartoonists who published, 2006, the so-called "Mohammad-Cartoons", was attacked at his home, by a Somalian Islamist. Westergaard was not injured and the loony perpetrator has been arrested by the Danish police. Westergaard was the author of the cartoon featuring a man with a bomb in his turban.

The whole international scene of Islam-bashers and fear-mongers immediately jumped upon the welcome opportunity, to illustrate their loony ideology once again. Mr. Wilders could not afford to miss the occasion either, and published some of the Danish cartoons (again) on his website.

But 73 year old Kurt Westergaard is not a political friend of Mr. Wilders' ideas.

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Nagekomen Bericht: Wilders pleitte in Florida voor Neurenberger Wetten [NL]

[...]Het is vaak een feest om uit de USA te lezen. Deze laatste blog onderhoudt zich, vaak hilarisch, met een hele serie personen: Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller (beide US, Washington Times, uitgegeven door de Moon secte), Bat Ye'or (UK), Brigitte Gabriel (DE-US), Daniel Pipes (US/Israël), Walid Shoebat (US, geheimzinnige ex-moslim), Wafa Sultan (US, Libanon) en, jawel, Geert Wilders!

Geplukt uit het jaaroverzicht van Loonwatch: Geert Wilders op 25 april 2009 in Florida te gast bij ultrarechtse Republikeinen. Familiefoto:

Bostom, Geert, Spencer en Geller(Zie voor beschrijvingen van Spencer en Geller: Bostom kwamen we in juni 2007 tegen bij de Pepperdine Conference in Californië, een vroegere poging om Amerikaanse en Europese haatzaaiers op één lijn te krijgen. De hele Pepperdine-serie: hier).

Het Wilders-optreden tijdens de conferentie bleef in Amerika niet onopgemerkt. Filmpje (, 27.04.09) spreekt voor zich:

Wilders is hier, voor een publiek dat $150,- per persoon neertelde, explicieter dan in zijn door ons al opgemerkte rede voor een synagoge in Florida tijdens dezelfde reis, compleet met keppeltje:

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Eurabia in Progress. Wilders has a Christmas Dream... [EN]

Jo-ho! (Tekening: Adriaan Soeterbroek)
(Geert Wilders has a Christmas Dream. Copyright Adriaan, from Geen

Dutch parliamentarian and Champion European Muslim Basher Geert Wilders has to face the Amsterdam Court on January 20, 2010. The Court will have to decide, if the peroxyde blonde (quarter Indonesian) anti-Muslim agitator is guilty of racial hate-mongering. Which is forbidden iunder Dutch Law.
Wilders published in the Dutch press (2004) an article, written in cooperation with Ajaan Hirsi Ali (both were members of the conservative "liberal" party representation in the Dutch parliament then), announcing a "Liberal Jihad" against Islam.

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