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Riethof, Brussels

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Eurabia in Progress. Wilders has a Christmas Dream... [EN]

Jo-ho! (Tekening: Adriaan Soeterbroek)
(Geert Wilders has a Christmas Dream. Copyright Adriaan, from Geen

Dutch parliamentarian and Champion European Muslim Basher Geert Wilders has to face the Amsterdam Court on January 20, 2010. The Court will have to decide, if the peroxyde blonde (quarter Indonesian) anti-Muslim agitator is guilty of racial hate-mongering. Which is forbidden iunder Dutch Law.
Wilders published in the Dutch press (2004) an article, written in cooperation with Ajaan Hirsi Ali (both were members of the conservative "liberal" party representation in the Dutch parliament then), announcing a "Liberal Jihad" against Islam.
In November of that year, Dutch filmmaker (and antisemite) Van Gogh (yes, family) was murdered by an isolated "muslim" fanatic called Bouyeri. In Bouyeris justification letter left on Van Gogh's corpse, Ajaan and Geert were mentioned as possible next targets. Ajaan Hirsi Ali lost her Dutch nationality in 2006, when it was established that she had lied about her whereabouts before getting asylum in Holland in 1992/1993. The Dutch conservative liberal party let her down and she emigrated to the US, where she was engaged by the American Enterprise Institute.
The ruling Neocon summities there, forbade her to attack religion, for religion is a core gadget of the neocons to keep the people submitted and quiet. She is working to get around this ever since. Her books about abuse in Kenya and elsewhere (The Caged Virgin, etc.) have a great impact on a badly informed public. The neocons have certainly not been amused by her publications. (I cannot help to admire her for her courage.)
For hatred of Islam (which I understand in her case) is her core business and she must feel very frustrated. The AEI exploits her expertise mainly in relation to her intimate knowledge of the Somalian Darod Tribe, of which she is a proud member, and who are producing America-friendly prime ministers and other authorities in the civil war-torned country. Even if Ethiopian enemies are concerned.
Meanwhile, Geert Wilders, who has, apart from a short stage as health-insurance official, no experience whatsoever of real life, and has always acted as an official for the conservative Dutch liberal party, radicalized, left his party and started one of his own.
At first, Wilders was open to foreign propositions. He toured the US and received an American neocon delegation in Holland, 2005. But something went wrong. The neocons did not want religion-bashing and Wilders retreated to a Dutch-centered orientation that excluded the neocon approach.  He picked his own people for the 2006 Dutch national elections, threw out the Dutch representative of the neocons, and got a representation in parliament that was above his expectations: 9 parliamentarians!
Since then, Wilders is putting provocation upon provocation. He identified himself with the Israelian ultra-right and proclaimed in Copenhagen, that the Palestinians have no other outlet than to emigrate to Jordania. He held wildly provocative Synagogue "lectures", in Massachusetts and Florida, saying that "Arabs" should leave the West Bank.
And now he is on his own in Holland. Will he be able to continue getting adherence of "normal Dutch" people?
I doubt it. For the common Dutch citizen, this is too much. Finally, Dutch commerce has to be secured, isn't it? Wilders is making us laughable throughout the world. Even the rightwing "Telegraaf" daily has a majority of commenters who ridiculize Wilders!
European Father Christmas goes Islamic! Wilders mulls parliamentarian questions. So what?
European former Christians and European former Muslims are FREE.
We are masters of ourselves!

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