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Riethof, Brussels

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Legal Alien in New York is integrally republished in HUIBSLOG

Legal Alien in New York continues, but is integrated with HUIBSLOG
From November 2005, we published more than hundred posts in the blog "Legal Alien in New York", featuring an European's view on the United States of America. In the wake of 9/11, I discovered a fascinating continent, where everything goes faster, grows bigger and generates more wide shock waves, than on my home continent, Europe with its culture of "Kleinstaaterei" (small country mentality).
  • I focused on the US political system and its falsification under president George W. Bush (Modern Caligula).
  • I followed closely the rise and fall in power of the neo-conservative cabal.
  • The Iraq war and the lies and spin that accompanied it, was an ever returning feature.
  • Some landmark affairs, like the Plame conspiracy, the Karl Rove Spin, the incredible Christopher Hitchens, etc. kept us busy.
  • In the summer of 2006, I took on the "Collapse Of Europe" Conference at Pepperdine University in California, where arch-conservative US agitators met with a well chosen group of European islamophobes.
This last subject brought me back to my home continent, where I got more and more involved in the struggle against xenophobia and against the US efforts to exploit that Angst, in order to promote their imperialist and anti-democratic agenda at home.
An impressive network of US-supported and -financed blogs like "Gates of Vienna", the "Brussels Journal","Fjordman"'s blogging and, lately, also the German "Politically Incorrect" blog, not to mention the Dutch "Ajaan Hirsi Ali" blog, are located in the US and stoke hate and anti-European fears among the people over here.

As the American opposition against the Bush regime, the Iraq war and the neocon fantasies became a strong and widely supported fact, I limited my American-European writing since the fall of 2006 to sharing of publications by Juan Cole, Tony Karon and Tomgram. And do not forget BagNews Notes!

My Euro-American interventions became more sparse. They are now systematically (re)published in HUIBSLOG, where I imported last week all of the 2005-2007 posts from "Legal Alien". Some 20 of those, have already been categorized in this Blog under the category "Legal Alien". (Look for that category in the top bar, under Lists > LIST OF ALL CATEGORIES). The other posts are already here, under their original date of publication, and will soon be catagorized too.

An overview of most highlights from "Legal Alien" is shortly to appear here.

From now on, my America-related posts will appear both in Legal Alien and in HUIBSLOG.

English Book Review & On-Line Bookshop Opens!

The narrow column on HUIBSLOG features since some weeks amazon- and proxis (Dutch) book tips.

It refers to the book review and bookshop pages that are being developed in this publication. Today, the English Page is ready. You are invited to go and see it.

Why? - This is the introduction on the Books Overview page:

Reviews & Online Shopping (To the English Books Page >>)
HUIBSLOG and the dedicated Blogs are about reflexion. Going back and forth between the news and its backgrounds. Looking for integrity in reasoning and in research. This cannot be done without BOOKS.
Nothing beats a monography. Prefer the original to the translation. Read, study and think for yourself. Avoid compilations with many authors. Trust your language skills. Get to the Original as close as you can!
English reading suggestions and an overview of English book reviews in Huibslog are on the Books in English Page.
For our European English readers, we have preferred as our partner. Why? Simple: Delivery costs are so much lower in Europe! At NO extra cost for you, every purchase by way of the Online-shopping links in HUIBSLOG, helps it to survive.

Enjoy your reading!


Akte Islam: Dem David Michelangelos droht Beschneidung! [DE]

Im Rahmen unserer Preisausschreibung "Ulfkotterei - Ihr könnt es auch!" wurde uns Folgendes zugesandt:

Vorhautsschützer gegen Islam

Der David des grossen Renaissance Künstlers Michelangelo - Hohepunkt der Judeo-Christlichen Kultur Europas!
üdisch-Alt-Testamentarisch weil es David ist, der Goliath besiegte, den Falestinenser, den Philistiner.Und Christlich, weil es einen Gipfel bildet der christlichen Schöpfungstag während des ausgehenden Mittelalters.Die authentische homo-erotische Spannung des Hellenismus (das jüdische Tradition und neues Christentum zusammenschmiedete).
Mehr als fünf Jahrhunderte lang, wurde dieses Monument schadenfrei bewährt.

Click to read more ...


Books [EN]: Mark Mazower: Hitler's Empire - Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe

Sometimes, I feel as if I'm just beginning to understand World War II, as far as Europe is concerned.

That is an odd experience, for I was born during the Nazi occupation of Holland, I grew up with its stories, its orphans, its shadow looming over all what was decided in vital questions. Then, I went to study Modern History at Amsterdam University in 1959. And again, no matter, if the subject were the XVIIth Century, or even slavery in Classical Antiquity, - the real subject were all the unanswered questions about the holocaust and the civilisation that had made it possible.

Maybe, those more than 50 years have been necessary. I do not know. Anyhow: Here is a book, written by a genial historian, that explains, how the Hitler state worked. Inside Germany, and outside. It is about ruthless ethnic cleansing.

Click to read more ...