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Riethof, Brussels

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Gaza: Machteloosheid rechtvaardigt geen racisme

Ik lees op facebook een commentaar van de jonge, zo te zien helemaal niet domme-, Ahmed Q. :

"I think Hitler had done a great job y eliminating them to some extent".

"Them" zijn de joden. Het commentaar staat bij een (nieuwe?) groep met ongeveer 800 leden, wereldwijd, die heet: "The real enemies of Humanity - The Unveiled Truth About Zionists." (De werkelijke vijanden van de mensheid - De onversluierde waarheid over zionisten).

't Gaat er niet om, dat Ahmed, blijkens z'n voornaam, vermoedelijk uit de Moslim-sfeer komt. Mensen met Christelijke voornamen zeggen hier en elders dezelfde soort dingen.


We hebben niet te maken met echte racisten en antisemieten. Al zijn er zeker lieden die dat van oudsher, stiekem of openlijk, al waren, en die nu zich haasten om te profiteren van de desoriëntatie, de teleurstelling en de machteloze woede van jonge en oude mensen die hun beeld van menselijkheid ineen zien storten. Het komt allemaal voort uit het gevoel van machteloosheid, dat iedereen bevangt, die met afschuw de israelische inval in Gaza ondergaat.

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Blog Awards 2008 for Europe is biased by (neo) conservatives 09.01 [EN]

At the annual 2008 voting for the weblog awards, category 'Europe (non-UK)', you will find only conservative weblogs, and some folkloristic blogs to fill the void. The blog that is leading at this point, links to "Politically Incorrect", an infect German blog, that avoided supervision by German authorities by moving to an American server. A (neo) conservative cabal took hold of (at least) some categories of the 2008 weblog awards. It is of no use to cast your vote in the "Europe" category. It has to be boycotted, this year. What happended?

In two of the 48 categories of the weblog awards that I took a look at and that are submitted to a vote actually, (neo)conservatives managed to propose a selection, that is poised to get a blog of their obedience as the winner.

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2008 Top Posts [4L]


(Français plus bas)
(English below)
(Nederlands verderop)

"... muslimische Bergarbeiter unterwandern bei Bergwerkabbauarbeiten die christliche Kirche von Altendorf-Ulfkotte - hat die Muslimbrüderschaft das Dorf wegen seiner Name angegriffen?"

Im Jahre 2008 kamen die meisten Besucher des HUIBSLOG aus Deutschland und dem übrigen deutschen Sprachgebiet. Absoluter Top ist das satirische Artikel Akte Islam: Muslimbrüderschaft gefährdet die Kirche von Altendorf-Ulfkotte!, das am 26. Februar veröffentlicht wurde.
Am Anfang hat es noch nicht viel Aufsehen erregt, aber im Laufe des Jahres entdeckten immer mehr Leser diesen "Ulfkotte", der "echter" als die echten ist. Im vorigen Monat gab es noch 212 individuellen Leser.

Man kann nicht anders als zustimmen:

Ist es eine Strafe Gottes wegen der Homosexuellengesetzen?
Ein Shas-Mitglied des israelischen Parlaments sagte mal, dass, wenn man die Genitalien am falschen Ort bewegt, Gott werde die Erde bewegen am selben Ort.
Aber gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe ist nicht die Hauptsünde in Altendorf-Ulfkotte, soviel wir wissen.
Deswegen, soll es vielmehr die Rache der Muslimbruderschaft gewesen sein, unterirdisch gereift, die über die ahnungslosen christlichen Gemeinschaft hergefallen ist.

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Ulfkotte Contest: Airline "apologizing" for booting muslims from plane - Christian (paying) passengers are expected to submit to burkas and suspect behavior [EN]

Ulfkotte Contest in English!

Did you forget? HUIBSLOG and the other blogs in HUIBS.NET are running an "Ulfkotte Contest".
Participating is easy and free: Write a "real Ulfkotte" with all the elements you usually see in "Akte Islam", Ulfkottes contributions to "Kopp Aktuell", or Ulfkottes books. The only people who are barred from participating are Ulfkotte himself, his family members and his collaborators, including his lawyers. An interesting Ulfkotte documentation is at your fingertips at this website.

An US reader submitted this imaginative and original Ulfkotte lookalike article:

Click for bigger imageAkte Islam Goes American!

Here is "Akte Islam". Your reliable source for hating all that smells of Muslims (c).

Welcome, American friends.

From this point of time on, you'll need our expert*) advice, since the people who have been bribed into handing over our Western Culture (you say: "Civilization", a small variation in our Beloved judeo-christian-(humanistic, -but I am not sure of this last one-) Contraption), well, I mean how dangerous they are, the people who are preparing themselves to rule your country, too!

*) Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is an independent security expert for business and government, as well as an expert of Islam, secret services and an assistant professor for security management at an academy in northern Germany. His website (in German) offers an inside view into his life and publications.

I say: "too", for I am writing from a continent that is transforming itself into "EURABIA". You will understand the pun (!). Nobody ever should say again that we, Germans, have no sense of humor. Otherwise, I will have my lawyer file a complaint against you at the Frankfurter Landgericht. (That is our German Guantanamo Kangaroo Court that will act against anybody, who is a foreign hostile blogger and who dares to state that I am a Racist (!).)

No, a Racist I am not. I learned my lesson. My parents made some mistakes, more than sixty years ago, but I grew up at an University that proudly featured a slogan at its entrance, saying: "Wissen Macht Frei" (Knowing Liberates). But I am not denying, that much "Arbeit" (Work) is involved to become a "Wissender" (a Knowledgeable). Here, NO pun is intended. I checked with the Frankfurter Landgericht.

A subterranean encroachment on American Values

Wouldn't you too have been horrified at the sight of these impertinent cocitizens, wearing beard and headscarve as if Orlando lies in Saudi Arabia?Well, as we got to know each other a little now, I'd like to have your attention for something seemingly small, but in my expert opinion, of no small consequence to your future as a free, judeo-christian (-humanistic?, I'm still not sure about that, I'll ask the Evangelicals who support me), civilization. Not less!

For, what is going on?

The sound and civic alert of the majority of (paying) Christian (maybe also jewish and humanistic, but I am again not sure about those mentioned in the last place. Donnerwetter!, I'd wish the Enlightenment had never happened - but that is a sideline you should ignore, please), well, I am resuming my phrase: the normal taxpaying passengers' sound reaction to a group of bearded and veiled co-citizens (We say: "Mitbürger", to ashame the softies and traitors from the Left), who were dicussing, of all things, where to sit in the plane, as to maximally avoid danger, when an accident would occur, well, the sound reaction, to repeat myself, was, to have them removed from the AirTran flight to Orlando from Washington DC at Reagan National Airport, of all places.

Caving in to Islamic Ruling Pretensions

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