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Riethof, Brussels

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How the Wilders Hysteria is Linked to Holland. Who is exploiting it. And Why it will be Overcome. (3, The Funders) [EN]

Who are exploiting the Dutch crisis? And How? Follow the Money!

1. A loophole in Dutch legislation.

While most developed ("judeo-christian") democracies have laws and rules that block organizations with foreign funding and/or no democratic structure, from participating in elections, the Kingdom of The Netherlands makes a notable exception.
In Germany, in France and even in countries like Belgium, Spain and Portugal, political parties are subjected to rules, based upon Law, that guarantee their democratic (membership) structure and the transparency of their revenues.

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How the Wilders Hysteria is Linked to Holland. Who exploits it. And how it will disappear. (2, Colonial attitudes.) [EN]

Wilders is NOT about Islam. Any foreign intrusion would have done. He is about xenophobia and hate-mongering.

In the first part of this series, we talked about the transnational effects of the Dutch Wilders hysteria against Muslims. And how it is exploited and financed by foreign sources like the Advocacy Project of Daniel Pipes in the U.S.A. and Israel. We will have to return to the international financing problem as well as to the ongoing European contamination, in one of the next instances.

"Geert Akbar": The some 200 activists who supported Wilders on January 20 at his Amsterdam court appearance, were not without some humour...Our subject here, in the second part, is the typical Dutch background of the hysterical Wilders upsurge. The Wilders phenomenon has nothing to do, in our opinion, with the Islam. Any religious, ethnic or cultural intrusion into the dream of a peaceful and quiet Dutch society, could have done the job. Wilders is not about Islam. It is about xenophobia. And hate-mongering.

Redundant workers are left alone

As many researchers and thinkers nowadays understand, the globalization of economy, trade and culture are felt as an intrusion into their daily life, by the men and women who live in marginalized parts of Western cities. Structurally, they are no more needed for production of goods. (See my articles about the rise and downfall of the need for urban workers at the e-urban site: Les quartiers relégués... (FR)Missbrauch der Geographie des Armuts.. (DE).

Foreign, mostly Muslim, immigrants take the jobs of the former local (former generation) immigrant workers. And the new immigrants are in their turn put aside, as their wages get too high, compared to those in, for instance, China. But China is over their horizon. The local inhabitants only see their immigrant neighbours.

And that is hard.

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How the Wilders Hysteria is Linked to Holland. Who exploits it. And how it will disappear. (1, Pipes) [EN]

Ritual slaughter, normal in Jewish and Muslim traditions, is attacked at right-wing pro-Wilders manifestation in Amsterdam, Jan. 20, 2010.In the USA, loonies like Mr. Geert Wilders, just appear in the shape of hysteric bloggers, or television priests, or talkshow-pundits. (Making an exception for Ms. Sarah Palin. That is another story.)

Even so, it is bad enough. But in Holland, a small country in Western Europe, those loonies can even become statesmen, or, as things are at this point, statesmen-hopeful.

Daniel Pipes, January 19 2010, consecrates Geert Wilders' ambitions on his blog: Why I stand with Geert Wilders. More on Daniel Pipes at Loonwatch, USA.



Daniel Pipes, January 19 2010, consecrates Geert Wilders' ambitions on his blog: Why I stand with Geert Wilders. More on Daniel Pipes at Loonwatch, USA.

Pipes doesn't hide his admiration for the peroxide blond Lowlands Messiah:

Who is the most important European alive today? I nominate the Dutch politician Geert Wilders. I do so because he is best placed to deal with the Islamic challenge facing the continent. He has the potential to emerge as a world-historical figure.

Pipes and Wilders, 2006

In the USA, loonies like Mr. Geert Wilders, just appear in the shape of hysteric bloggers, or television priests, or talkshow-pundits. (Making an exception for Ms. Sarah Palin. That is another story.) Even so, it is bad enough. But in Holland, a small country in Western Europe, those loonies can even become statesmen, or, as things are at this point, statesmen-hopeful. Daniel Pipes, January 19 2010, consecrates Geert Wilders' ambitions on his blog: Why I stand with Geert Wilders. More on Daniel Pipes at Loonwatch, USA.

Well, well. Mr. Wilders has no proposals for economy, social issues, culture, education, etc., other than eliminating immigrants of Muslim descent from Dutch society. He has no ideas about foreign policy, other than debilitating the European Union (we'll come to this later) and following the Likud - and even more right-wing policies, of Israel (idem).


In addition, Wilders is a charismatic, savvy, principled, and outspoken leader who has rapidly become the most dynamic political force in the Netherlands. While he opines on the full range of topics, Islam and Muslims constitute his signature issue. Overcoming the tendency of Dutch politicians to play it safe, he calls Muhammad a devil and demands that Muslims "tear out half of the Koran if they wish to stay in the Netherlands." More broadly, he sees Islam itself as the problem, not just a virulent version of it called Islamism.

"A full range of topics"?

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La Justice néerlandaise publie une "Anti-Fitna" en préparant son procès contre M. Wilders [FR]

En mars, 2008, M. Geert Wilders, député conservateur-libéral dans l'assemblée générale du parlement néerlandais, a publié un vidéo sur YouTube, carrément anti-islamique (Fitna). Pourquoi? On ne sait pas très bien. Quand le meurtrier de M. Van Gogh, début novembre 2004 à Amsterdam, a terminé ses travaux horribles, une note restait sur le corps de la victime, annonçant la mort de la députée Hirsi Ali, ainsi que de son copain du "jihad anti-islamique libéral", Geert Wilders.

Des EEUU jusqu'à Israel, le pauvre Geert a été célébré comme héros de la lutte contre l'Islam. Une grande partie des électeurs néerlandais a été séduite par ses positions anti-européennes et xénophobes. Un tiers des députés néerlandais au Parlement européen est dorénavant "dans Wilders".

Pas question de participer aux travaux du Parlement. Leur tâche est de saboter tout ce qu'il y pourrait être positif dans l'ambiance post-Lissabon. La voix des Néerlandais dans le concert européen est ainsi condamnée à un mutisme négatif, au moins partiellement.

Comme tous les parlements, le Parlement Européen devrait s'occuper de la légitimité de ses élus. Un "parti" qui n'est qu'une émanation d'une construction légale individuelle, comme celui de M. Wilders qui est le seul "membre" de son parti, à côté de la fondation libérale dont M. Wilders, lui aussi, est le seul membre, c'est à ridiculiser les fondations démocratiques de notre société!

Bon, voilà, si M. Wilders se permet à publier un vidéo sur l'inernet, la Justice néerlandaise le peut aussi! Plus bas, vous verrez, comment cela se fait. Faute de réaction correcte et forte de la part du monde politique néerlandais, il est déchu à la Justice néerlandaise à s'occuper du malfrat anti-islamique.

Je me demande: Quand est-ce-que la majorité du PE, imposera-t-elle aux États à n'accepter que des partis démocratiques à l'élection des députés européens?

Eh bien, voici, M. Wilders, seul membre de son parti PVV, qui s'exprime devant les autorités judiciaires de son pays:

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