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Riethof, Brussels

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LOG 05.09.07 [EFDN]

[NL] Vandaag weer veel Ulfkotte. Blogs gemaakt over U.'s devotionalia webshop. In Europa Thuis: Ulfkotte als "gang leader". Parallel In De Lage Landen: hier.Origineel in het Duits. Engelse versies in At Home in Europe en Legal Alien in NY. Conclusie:

Ulfkotte zegt het nu zelf: Hij is een "Gang"-Führer...
"Zie ik eruit als een hooligan?", zo riep Ulfkotte verontwaardigd uit op 17 augustus jongstleden, toen hij door de pers werd betrapt op een vergadering met Vlaams-Belang leider Philip Dewinter in het parlementaire kantoor van de laatstgenoemde.
- Inderdaad, gang-leader Ulfkotte had zich voor de gelegenheid verkleed als "Hochschullehrer"...

[DE] Heute wieder viel Ulfkotte. Blogtexts verfasst über seinen unglaublichen Webshop, der 98 Devotionalia anbietet für allen europäischen Anti-Islamisten. Nachlesen in In Europa Zuhause: hier. Für niederländischen und englischen Versionen, siehe oben. Letztendlich, hat Ulfkotte, erniedrigt und isoliert wegen Privatinitiativen anderer, alles absagen müssen. Jochen Hoff schrieb mir:


Huib, du bist Klasse! 

Ulfkottes Devotionalien-Shop. Ich schmeiss mich weg vor lachen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
     Jochen Hoff

[FR] À cause de développements rapides et heureux au sujet de M. Ulfkotte, pas de poste en Français aujourd'hui. Car les actes carambolesques de ce Monsieur n'intéressent pas les Français. Pour mes compatriotes francophones belges, qui sont davantage intéressés, je promets un article demain. Un autre article est en gestion: La condamnation par Olivier Roy de Redeker, en le définssant comme "raciste" dans le no. de novembre d'Esprit. Le raisonnement de Roy s'inscrit dans un débat européen qui est de grande actualité.

[EN] Much ado abour Mr. Ulfkotte, today. Resulting in articles written in English and published in At Home in Europe: LINK, and Legal Alien in NY LINK. In Dutch and in German: see above. At the end of the day, the German Doctor had to announce that he is put aside by the Vlaams Belang party and Pro-Kölln, who organise their own demonstrations on 9/11 in respectively Brussels and Cologne. No more Ulfkotte. He is presumably regretting his excursion into the European right extremist scene.

A sample of today's writing:

Do you like pins? - Here is one! No, it doesn't show President Bush adoring an oil barrel, stupid!
Dr. Ulfkotte presumably meant a Muslim, praying at a gas dispenser.
But, more subtly, one could subsume a link to Dr. Ulfkotte himself. As an Africa-correspondent for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung during the nineties, he was accused of accepting bribes from oil-company SHELL. However, this accusation was invalidated, when the FAZ won in court against the accusers.

Ffünf Stück für nur 5.80 €, zzgl Versand!
Die feine Humor des Dr. Ulfkottes (Verantwortlicher für die Gestaltung) ist unwiderstehlich!

The "Gangs" of boys and girls who were to march through the Brussels streets, would have been dressed up by Dr. Ulfkotte and his wife who is treasurer of the Pax Europa Organisation like this:
Kostet 61,40 €!!

And don't forget your umbrella, "bad boys": 13,40 €!

For the girls, no not a headscarf, but this woollen cap: € 13,40!

Oder eine kleine Börse? - Nur € 20,10 (zzgl Versand)?







And now: Up and away to "Demography". Turned into Demology and Demagogy by certain racists. 


Vliegende Hollander tegen wil en dank(zij) Ryanair 3.9.07 [NL]

Dit bericht bereikt u vanuit het internet-hoekje van de luchthaven van Dublin.

De "point-to-point" policy van goedkoopvlieger Ryanair, maakt, dat bij het uitvallen van een vlucht wegens mist, de getroffen passagiers ofwel dagenlang moeten wachten tot er een plaatsje vrij is, ofwel, zoals ik nu, via het onoverzichtelijke en labyrinthische netwerk van zieltogende luchthavens, ver van de wereld, surrealistische omwegen moeten maken om, met een dag vertraging ter bestemder plaatse te komen. Barcelona-Brussel, met een nachtelijke overstap in Dublin, Eire.

Het surrealisme van de marktwerking in Europa.

Groeten uit Dublin! 


Ulfkotte stelt Turkije aan Brussel ten voorbeeld en omarmt het Vlaams Belang als redder in de nood...30.8.07 [NL]

We introduceerden de heer Ulfkotte al in een vorige post. De Vlaamse televisie maakte een kostelijke reportage van de martelgang van de Parteigründer met zijn Vlaams-Belang advocaat Hugo Coveliers naar de Belgische Raad van State.

U. houdt zijn rol van naïeve onpoliticus vol en laat zich "bei der Nase herumführen" door het VB, dat alleen maar oog heeft voor communautaire agitatie. Want Dewinter c.s. wisten natuurlijk best, dat Ulfkotte's beroep tegen het niet-toestaan van diens provokatieve demonstratie voor het EP niet moest worden ingediend bij de Vlaamse Kamer van de Raad van State.

Pikant is, dat Ulfkotte verwijst naar de Turkse manifestaties voor secularisme, die dit voorjaar werden gehouden. Intussen is duidelijk geworden, dat elementen uit het Turkse leger daarvan gebruik hadden willen maken voor het uitvoeren van een staatsgreep. De plannen van diezelfde elementen, om Iraaks Koerdistan binnen te vallen, zijn tot opluchting van de VS en de EU tegengehouden door de AKP, de gematigd islamtische partij, die succesvol was bij de sindsdien in Turkije gehouden verkiezingen.

Het blijft raadselachtig, waarom Ulfkotte, in plaats van een liberale Belgische franstalige advokaat te nemen, zich in de armen van het VB heeft gestort. Het VB is geen liefdadige instelling. Toen het "Belang" moest vaststellen, dat Ulfkotte niet openlijk met hen en hun ordedienst wilde samenwerken, hebben ze hem in de val gelokt. Eerst, vorige week in het kantoor van Philip Dewinter, vervolgens, door zijn beroep tegen het niet-toestaan van de demonstratie te saboteren en te gebruiken voor eigen agitatie tegen de federale Belgische staat. 

Hieronder de reportage van de Vlaamse televisie bekijken:



Uncontrolled Fallout from the Pepperdine Conference: Herr Udo Ulfkotte

"Advocacy", meaning: abusing legal structures and procedures in order to bash Islamic organizations and persons (and their "dhimmy" allies), was one of the two policies that were developed in the famous Pepperdine Conference in Malibu, California in June 2007.
(See this Blog under the "Pepperdine Univ." tag; latest article in this series: Pepperdine 4: Daniel Pipes reveals his grand design).

Probably, Dr. Udo Ulfkotte (see below) did not need that advice. He is already busy applying that strategy in Europe. In July, he started legal actions against Berlin blogger Jochen Hoff (Duckhome) who published a critical article about Mr. U., and against Watchblog Islamophobie (bigberta), who had only linked to Hoff's article. Financing (in part?) his legal actions with money from his "Pax Europa" foundation (President: Ulfkotte, treasurer: a member of his family), Dr. U. claims more than 100.000 Euros from both bloggers.

Contributors to the "Pax" foundation, who sent money, thinking that it would be used for promoting "Judeo-Christian Values", may not be amused with the unexpected destination their money has got, now that it is going into the treasury of expensive lawyers.

Ulfkotte accepts help from Flemish extremists
Another application of the "advocacy" tactic appeared this week, when Ulfkotte visited Belgian extremist "Vlaams Belang" leader Philip Dewinter in Brussels. (See In Europa Zuhause (German): Udo Ulfkotte will in Brüssel Links und Rechts vereinen mit hilfe von Philip de Winter.) This is the story:

An "Anti-Eurabia" manifestation at the European Parliament buildings that Ulfkotte had announced for September 11, received but few response from the European public. Only the usual far-right little groups announced their participation. Brussels Mayor Thielemans forbade the event. Maybe to the relief of Ulfkotte, who may not have liked to have to march with a fine selection of European hooligans and baldheads. The interdiction opened an opportunity for Dr. U. to transfer his actions to a battlefield he seems to prefer: the courtroom.

The former "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" foreign editor (1986-2003) and "international security expert", in meeting publicly with a known extremist leader, who's party is "quarantined" by all other Belgian political parties, demonstrated a boundless political naivety, at the best.

Ulfkotte (left) and Philip Dewinter (right) meeting with VB-associated senator-lawyer Hugo Coveliers (foot) in the Belgian Parliament buildings on August 18, 2007 - Picture: Belgian daily "De Morgen".

At least, that is what he tries to make believe the Belgian journalists who surprised Ulfkotte and De Winter in the Belgian Parliament "Vlaams Belang" party-offices. Ulfkotte pretends that appealing to the Belgian High Court about the interdiction, is too difficult for a simple non-political German, and, "knowing nobody (else) in Belgium", he was compelled to accept an offer from the Vlaams Belang Party ("With whom wo do not cooperate", as he maintains in the interview) to take as his lawyer... a Vlaams Belang-affiliated Belgian Senator (Hugo Coveliers)!

Pepperdine protagonists Pipes, Steyn (also mentioned below), Hirsi Ali (tag), Leon de Winter (tag), Afshin Ellian (Dutch Islambasher of Iranian descent), Henryk Broder (German publicist), Arnaud de Montézac (Swiss-French lawyer who claims paternity of the 'advocacy' strategy) and others, are now getting perhaps the results they hoped for.
Staying themselves behind the screens, they hope to unleash "popular action" against Islamic property and persons, knowing well, that that would mean that forces they publicly reject will start pogrom-like events.
(Hirsi Ali, some years ago, as a Dutch parliamentarian, for instance, rejected categorically any association with De Winter's Vlaams Belang, but at Pepperdine, she gave the green light for "popular action", not excluding any possible ally).
For Pipes', Steyn's and Ali's theories about separating "real" policy (policy "of the first degree" - Steyn, which is about defense, morals and international relations) from "social action" (second degree), see my article Paul Wolfowitz and neocon Morals in huibslog.

The following characterization of Mr. Ulfkotte was published in the (English) Dialog International blog (German-American Opinion: politics and Culture):

Who is Udo Ulfkotte?

Ulfkotte Speading fear and hate can be an excellent business model today; witness the success of the Canadian journalist Mark Steyn, who has made $millions urging persecution of Muslims in North America and ridiculing Europe for becoming an Islamic stronghold (Eurabia). Likewise there are a number of "experts" in Germany who make a nice living warning citizens of a Muslim takeover of Europe. One of the most absurd has to be the journalist, would-be politician and "security expert" Udo Ulfkotte. Ulfkotte is aligned with the hate-blog Politically Incorrect, but is much more ambitious than your average blogger. Ulfkotte has started his own association - Pax Europa - which is dedicated to stopping the Islamization of Europe. Recently Ulfkotte has announced that he wants to start a new political party in Germany - possibly to be called the Christlich-Ökologische Partei - which would emphasize "Christian" values over Islamic ones and reverse what he sees as "special rights" granted to the Muslim minority in Germany.

None of this is especially noteworthy; there are other "Islam-experts" such as Hans Peter Raddatz who regularly appear on television talk shows but who are not really taken seriously. What is different about Ulfkotte is his willingness to use his wealth to take legal actions against his critics. Omar at TooMuchCookies Network discusses recent actions taken by Ulfkotte and his attorneys against Jochen Hoff, a German blogger, for writing a critical blog post. Then Ulfkotte's sent a threatening letter to our blogger friend and colleague Big Berta simply for linking to that post in Watchblog Islamophobie.

Ulfkotte's legal bullying is really true to form for right-wing ideologues. The right-wing mindset has always been hostile to the idea of the free press. These people cannot win arguments in the marketplace of ideas, so they try to get satisfaction in the courts. I hope there is a Tsunami of criticism in the German blogosphere of Ulfkotte and his discredited ideas. The German press should no longer provide a forum to someone like Ulfkotte who obviously hates the principle of free speech.

Consequences of Ulfkotte's association with a racist movement
One of the main complaints against Hoff/bigberta is about Hoff's qualification "racist" for Ulfkotte. The German Court, who will have to pass judgment on that point, will now, if it subscribes to Ulfkotte's views, have to dissent from the Belgian Highest Court's 2004 sentence on the VB party, forerunner of the Vlaams Belang party, deeming it (partially) "racist", and forcing it to change its name and program. For Ulfkotte cannot deny any more, that he associates with racists. Such a conflicting opinion would inevitably lead to an appeal to the Luxembourg European High Court.

Ulfkotte should count his and Pax' money. For he is not going to have an easy and lucrative victory in the courtrooms.