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Riethof, Brussels

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Udo Ulfkotte und das Geld 7.4 [DE]

Wie bei uns auch, ist bei Udo Ulfkotte ständig die Kasse leer.

Aber während bei mir jeden Monat ein beschränktes -, aber zuverlässiges und schwererworbenes -, Altertumsgeld eintrifft, muss der arme Udo sich zufriendenstellen mit 156 euros pro Trimester von der Hochschule, wo er selbst kein eigenes Zimmerchen hat, und mit einem ständig sinkendem Erlös seiner Bücher. Sein letztes Buch (April 2008) erscheint nicht mehr bei Eichborn, sondern bei einem zweit- oder drittklassischem Verlag. Selbstverständlich wissen wir nicht, was Ulfkotte verdient mit seiner Ratgeberei bei Unternehmen. Aber es könnte von Bedeutung sein, dass er seit seinem Abenteuer mit T-Mobile, sich sein Klientel nur noch bei Kleinunternehmen sucht.

Anscheinend, hat auch der Verein Pax Europa nicht die einst verhofften Einnahmenquellen herbeigeschafft. Der Verein hat vom frankfurter Landgericht 7.500 theoretischen Euros bekommen, als es Bigberta und Jochen Hoff zu Entschädigung verurteilte im letzten November. "Theoretisch", denn es ist nicht sicher, dass die Verurteilten auch zahlen können.

Ulfkotte hat schon versucht, Pax Europa zu verschmelzen mit "", einer sehr christlichen und anti-europäischen Randgruppe eines baseler Pfarrers der verbunden ist mit einem Parfümgrosshandler, der viel spendet. (Wir berichteten.) Irgendwie, scheint das nicht gelungen zu sein.

Jetzt kündigt er eine "Fusion" des PE mit dem Bunde der Bürgerbewegungen (BdB) an. Es seien "Unterhandlungen" unterwegs. Der BdB möchte nämlich nicht auch die Verschuldungen des PE erben... Er kann immer noch den PE Verein nicht auf anständiger Weise loswerden.

Er versucht jetzt für die PE-Braut eine Mitgift zu erwerben, so dass die Bürger keine Katze in der Tüte bekommen. PK hat es ausrecherchiert:


Udo Ulfkotte, Vorsitzender des Vereins Pax Europa, im April 2008:

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Holland: From Wilders' Fitna to Verdonk's Fitness

Wilders' poor act in Dutch Parliament, last Tuesday, sent him to a lonely wilderness. His score in yesterday's poll was disastrous: His party sank from 11 to 9 seats.
The author of the small "Fitna" movie was disappointed by the lack of Muslim violent reactions after it's publication, last week, on LiveLeak.

Fitna-Author exposed as a despicable provocateur

Under the guidance of US-based Ajaan Hirsi Ali, the populist politician had shifted his attacks from the Muslims to the Dutch Government and it's Prime Minister. The latter had, by "capitulating on beforehand", committed high treason to Western values. But the Government managed to give proof of the fact, that it was not Mr. Wilders who was the victim, but the Dutch people, Dutch business and Dutch soldiers in Afghanistan (three gravely wounded by taliban roadside bombs last week), who had become hostages of Wilders' provocations.
However, xenophobia continues to be a top-seller in Holland. Former member of Government Ms. Rita Verdonk, who was excluded from her conservative party last year, staged an optimistic and profesionally designed roadshow last Thursday, with the financial help from a number of real estate businessmen. "Proud Of Holland" is the name of her "movement" that does without members and internal democracy.

Of Pride and Prejudice

"Iron Rita", "Rita La Caimanna", adds pride to prejudice: Like President Bush on May 1st, 2003, she features herself at the helm of a ship. The main difference between the two is the absence of the sign "Mission Accomplished" behind the courageous sailoress. In stead of the lamentations of Fitna, Fitness and Pride became the message.

Did we win by the shift from Wilders to Verdonk? I am not so sure of that. Verdonk's xenophobia is more all-compassing than Wilders' obsession with Islam. She advocates a rigid confinement to supposedly exclusive Dutch values and traditions. Any foreign influence is banned.

In my opinion: Very un-Dutch. The small country managed to survive, in spite of high waters, in spite of annexation efforts by larger countries, by being extremely flexible (some say: opportunistic) and by hiding it's pride behind a show of tolerance and hospitality. It has been in that way, that the Dutch made large profits, tricked out contenders and continue to this day, to sell elsewhere prohibited drugs to the world.

She is a possible second Mrs. Thatcher. Watch Your Booty!


Holland: Wilders out, Verdonk in.Scary Fitna for Proud Fitness 4.4.08 [EN]

Dutch populist politician and producer of the anti-Islam film 'Fitna', Wilders (above), intended to tear off and burn pages of the Koran. Or, at least, show such acts in his propaganda movie. I cannot but justify the countermeasures of Dutch Government, intended to control the damage that would have been done by such a provocation, as it sought international support and condemnation of Wilders' provocations, encouraging Dutch Muslims to appeal to their countries of origin to react calmly. "We are Holland, too", they said. And, generally, it worked. There is no general Muslim upheaval.

The government, and first of all its major participant the christian-democratic party CDA, had it's day on the first of April in the The Hague Parliament, when it exposed, documents at hand, Wilders' blackmail. [...]
Her "movement" is called "Proud of Holland", which touches a sympathetic string in the mind of this blogger. The Dutch have many things, values and people to be proud of, but they tend to be so only in private, while publicly disavowing their country, language and culture. One of our characteristics is our well-developed flexibility and adaptability. That is how we made so much profit in trade, in publishing books that are banned in other countries and in providing prohibited drugs to those who are in need of them.

An undutch proudness...

The Verdonkian proudness doesn't seem to imply those national and typical qualities. Under Verdonk, we, Dutchmen, would also be obliged to hide our proudness of non-Dutch heroes and values from our continent, Europe. Verdonk's proudness has a distinct provincial flavour.

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Trotskisten op de beurs: Rita Verdonk brengt haar roadshow in Amsterdam met speculantengeld 4.4.08 [NL]

Hebben we zojuist Wilders afgevoerd als pathologische leugenaar, komt Rita Verdonk zich voorstellen.

< (Nee, ik geloof niet, dat we het droog houden.)

Kijk eens, hoe mooi de gehaakte shawl kleurt bij de kleuren van "Trots Op Nederland"! Dat is de service van Kai van der Linden, de Nederlandse Noël Slangen (dit voor onze Belgische kijkers).

Elk detail is doorgedacht. Jammer voor Rita: De grote lijnen niet.

De handelaars in onroerend goed, die wijlen Pim Fortuyn al eens aan kapitaal geholpen hebben, wilden best een kleine roadshow in Amsterdam financieren. Rita (en Kai) verkondigen immers op de TON-website:

"De hypotheekaftrek staat als een huis!"

Even uitleggen voor Nederlandse huurders en niet-kapitaalbezitters en voor onze Vlaamse vrienden:

(Lees verder op De Lage Landen: In 't Verdonkhoekje: Hou Zee!