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EU Bureaucrats give in to Mark Steyn's primary impulse: State sponsored reproductive activities!

From At Home in Europe (July 5, 2007):

EU Commission's Response to Mark Steyn: 18 couples coming, together!

Reproductive Activities...

In A Legal Alien in New York, we quoted Mr. Mark Steyn (11.6.07), a keynote speaker at the "Collapse Of Europe" Conference at Pepperdine University in Malibu last month. In a Wall Street Journal article of January 2006 Steyn resumes his New York Times bestseller "America Alone: The End Of the World as We Know It":

It's the Demography, Stupid
The real reason the West is in danger of extinction.

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST


The challenge for those who reckon Western civilization is on balance better than the alternatives is to figure out a way to save at least some parts of the West.

One obstacle to doing that is that, in the typical election campaign in your advanced industrial democracy, the political platforms of at least one party in the United States and pretty much all parties in the rest of the West are largely about what one would call the secondary impulses of society--

  • government health care,
  • government day care (which Canada's thinking of introducing),
  • government paternity leave (which Britain's just introduced).

We've prioritized the secondary impulse over the primary ones:

  • national defense,
  • family,
  • faith and,
  • most basic of all, reproductive activity--"Go forth and multiply," because if you don't you won't be able to afford all those secondary-impulse issues, like cradle-to-grave welfare.
Americans sometimes don't understand how far gone most of the rest of the developed world is down this path... [..]

Who could have guessed, that, of all people, the "European Bureaucrats" (as the EU was labeled in all documents of that "scientific" seminar) would come up with such a convincing refutation of Steyn's, Pipes', Hirsi Ali's, Claire Berlinski's, Arnaud Dotézac's accusations, that they are committing high treason to Western values, participating in a conspiracy to keep down the production of white, Christian babies, born in faithful and docile families, as they are promoting abortion, homosexual couples, kindergarten, women's liberation and other horrors.

The movie shows, exclusively white, European couples, engaged in state-sponsored, (the movie features 18 quotes of EU-subsidized movies), reproductive activities by consenting adult heterosexual couples.

It opens up original suggestions about who, where and and how Europeans should f**k against the Turk: Old and young, in toilets and on tables, in varying positions!

Watch this EuTube movie, quoted from the official EU Commission Website!

By July 4th, it had scored (since June 15): Views: 1,872,501 Comments: 530 Favorited: 2133 times. Rating: Four stars out of five by 2217 raters...

If these are not Steyn's "reproductive activities", what else is?

The EU shows, that it is fully committed to "primary impulsions".

A loud "Hallelujah!" was heard at Pepperdine Churches of Christ University at Malibu, when the students discovered on the Internet this divinely inspired result of their prayers against "Eurabia".


Bart Tromp gestorven: Verlies van méér dan 'n 'lastpak'. 1.7.07 [NL]


Bart Tromp in 1995
(Foto NRC Handelsblad, Vincent Mentzel)

Bart Tromp is dood. Een hartstilstand overviel hem toen hij 62 was.

Marc Chavannes schrijft zaterdag (30/6) in de NRC een sympatieke necrologie. Bart was een 'hartstochtelijk realist (link, digitale editie (€)). Frank Vermeulen van de Haagse PvdA-website, waar Bart lange jaren onderdak vond voor zijn archief van columns en commentaren, verzet zich, evenals Chavannes tegen de simpele karakterisering "PvdA-ideoloog".

Bart Tromp was meer dan een leverancier van partij-ideologie, meer dan 'n "lastpak" (Wouter Bos) en meer dan een lid van de selecte club Hollandse columnschrijvers. Hij was ook meer dan zo maar een lid van de ven selecte gemeenschap van internationaal-militaire commentatoren die Nederland kent. Hij was briljant, bij vlagen geniaal en een benijdenwaardig stylist. Maar hij kon ook een onaangenaam en arrogant mens zijn. Dat werd minder, naarmate hij ouder werd, maar toch...

Ik leerde hem in de laatste hoedanigheid kennen in de zestiger jaren. Ons idealisme, onze hyperbolen, waren hem een gruwel. Hij heeft soms ongelijk gekregen, want we veranderden veel (maar niet genoeg), wat eerder onbeweeglijk leek. Maar vaker, ik erken het, bleek wat hij zei in polemieken en Marx-kritieken, juist. In de tweede helft van de zeventiger jaren, begonnen onze wegen zich te kruisen, via boeken en artikelen. Bart Tromp keerde zich vlijmscherp tegen de PvdA als "aktie-partij", meegesleurd door oppervlakkige demagogen met een nostalgie naar de gemiste kansen van 1968. Ook mij leek dat, sadder and wiser na het metro-débacle van 1975 in Amsterdam, een slecht idee. Ik sprak erover met Tromp's vriend en bewonderaar Joop van den Berg (Eerste-kamerlid). Ik was toen (en voelde me) om een aantal redenen machteloos en outcast in die tijd - vond slechts bemoediging in het fatsoen, waarmee Tromp en anderen solidariseerden met mij als slachtoffer van politiek opportunisme.

Tromp nam wèl de handschoen op en werd als "rechts" verketterd. Idem ditto wat de kruisraketten-crisis van de tachtiger jaren betrof, maar daar bevonden we ons weer aan twee tegengestelde kanten van de barrikaden. Bart Tromp ontwikkelde zich tot autoriteit wat betreft de Nederlandse buitenlandse- en veiligheidspolitiek. Voor afstuderen en promoveren nam hij lang de tijd. Na de schok van Srebrenica (1995) was hij in staat, om anders dan vele anderen in zijn tak van sport, de realistische consequenties te trekken uit de gebleken Nederlandse onmacht en te hoge pretenties op het wereldtoneel. Kosovo (1999), Irak (2003) en Afghanistan (2005) waren hem, in toenemende mate, een stap te ver.

Na 2002 (Fortuyn), kwamen we direct in contact, via zijn toenmalige assistent, publicity-agent en homme-à-faire-tout, Willem Minderhout. We wisselden mails over de beste manier om de fall-out van de Fortuyn-crisis onschadelijk te maken. We deelden de schrikbarende ontdekking, dat, onder Bush, Cheney en Rumsfeld, de NATO verwerd tot een simpele recruteringsinstantie voor hulptroepen voor de neoconservatieve "grand-design" van een "Amerikaanse 21ste eeuw".

Ik moet er wel even haastig aan toevoegen, dat Tromp nooit mijn tegenwoordige idee van een sterk Europa als tegenwicht tegen de Amerikaanse (maar ook Russische-, Chinese- en andere) ambities deelde. Toch nog altijd de dromer tegenover de "hartstochtelijke idealist". Tromp's gooi naar het PvdA-voorzitterschap in 2002/03 had mijn steun, maar twijfel bleef over z'n vermogen tot teamspelerschap.

Door Bart Tromp's verdwijnen, ontstaat een grote leegte. In de PvdA-politiek zullen weliswaar Timmermans en Koenders veel van zijn ideeën voortzetten. Op de universiteit zal een andere realist, minder hartstochtelijk, Koen Koch, voortwerken in zijn geest. Maar de hartstocht, de intellectuele moed, heeft een harde slag gekregen. Door Bart's verscheiden, zal de strijd tegen een verdere Nederlandse inschakeling in de perfide Afghanistan-politiek, moeilijker zijn.

Enfin, zoals mijn grootste Antilliaanse vriend zei: "Je moet roeien met de riemen die je hebt!" (Uitspreken met Caraïbisch accent!) Daar zit "moeten" in: Je moet doorgaan. En veel, heel veel, "hartstochtelijk realisme": Niet omkijken, geen excuses zoeken, maar niet nalaten, wat je hart en je verstand je ingeeft.

OK. We gaan verder! 


Pepperdine: Fundamentalist Christians and - Jews unite with Agnostics to smear Islam and Europe

Oh my!
The Pepperdine 'Collapse Of Europe' Conference has been even more villain than I imagined! When I got to sleep, on the morning of June 12 (see: "Daniel Pipes rallies..." on this Blog), I couldn't know which depths of political depravity, hate and un-christian (and un-jewish) sadism I was going to discover during the next weeks. I set myself (interrupted by illness, which I will not impute to the virtual company I got into) to a systematical collection of data on the key-participants of the Conference, those from the US as well as from Europe.

Participants: A sickening collection of false prophets
Some of them I knew already from my home country, Holland (Ayaan, De Winter, Ellian). Others from Europe had already been dealt with by some friends in other European countries (Henryk Broder, Claire Berlinsky). But the personalities from North America I got to know here (Pipes, Steyn, Avi Davis, Horowitz [who was one of my favored historians, back in the sixties...], Greg Davis and rabbi David Baron, etq.....) - a sickening bunch of would-be prophets, ready to play into any McCarthyist campaign that promises some minutes of fame on Fox News!

A plot against European humanistic policies with American taxpayers' money
On top of that, I was able to find some reporting from the informal 11 June Conference. If I had any doubt in guessing, that this meeting was about financing hate- and smear-campaigns against Islam in Europe and in America and against the humanistic core of mainstream European Union policies, - well, I am free of any doubt about that now: The official, government-funded, 'American Freedom Alliance' of Avi Davis is going to support a policy of "advocacy" against muslims and Islam, in the US as well as in Europe.

Muslims and Muslim goods should carry a 'warning sticker'...
Amongst other things, it is going to promote a "precautionary principle" strategy in Europe, which means, as the Swiss lawyer Arnaud Dotézac (Lausanne, another participant in the meeting) proudly explains:
"Treat Islam and Muslims as if they were a dangerous product for consumers and put a legally obligatory warning sticker on any Mosque and Qur'an, saying that Islam contains illegal exhortation to Jihad." The reasoning behind this Nazi idea (they did the same to Jews after 1933) is, that the leftists and the greens used the same policy against tobacco products, which might put them into an awkward situation, when it will be proposed in Europe.

Hirsi Ali (together with the American Christian Right) against European abortion-, homosexuality- and protection of women policies!
Naive as I am, I originally thought, that Hirsi Ali would oppose the Steyn "reproductive activity" policies, i.e.: forcing women (women!) to give birth tho rosy-white christian babies to counter the Turk. (Ref: My earlier post on the Pepperdine Conference). But a post on an Israelian Indy Blog by one Dickerson, who assisted at the Monday June 11 meeting, confirms, that everybody there was outraged by the 1,2 birthrate per couple in Europe. This was, of course, another treason by the Left, who struggle to keep down the Arian birthrate by promoting homosexual marriages, abortion and other sexual depravities.
You can count on me, to come back to you with the full texts and sources for this extraordinary Pepperdine Conspiracy against Europe and against religious freedom!

Here is reproduced, fyI, Vik Rubenfeld's report from the Pepperdine (Malibu) Conference in his Blog "The Big Picture" (15.6.07, part I). Our comments and explanations are in red.

Conference on the Collapse of Europe: How Supremacy of Islam is Taught to Muslim Children

Last weekend I attended the international conference on the Collapse of Europe, organized by Avi Davis of the American Freedom Alliance, and the Council for Democracy and Tolerance, at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California.

Avi Davis opens the Conference on the Collapse of Europe to a standing-room only crowd.

It was a remarkable event, with many of the leading authorities on the subject gathered together. It often seemed as though every sentence from each speaker was worthy of discussion in its own right. It can't possibly all be covered in a single blog post. This is the first in a series of articles (probably three or so in total) on the conference. All quotes are transcribed from audio recordings.

Following the keynote speech by Mark Steyn, Avi presented a panel featuring Greg Davis, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ibn Warraq, and Philippe Karsenty, moderated by Mark Steyn. (Bios).

For the preacher Greg Davis, the Canadian humorist Mark Steyn ('reproductive activity') and Hirsi Ali, see my article dated June 12. Ajaan Hirsi Ali is featured in many other posts in my blogs (see sidebar). Ibn Warraq is a creation of Daniel Pipes. The man is no Arab and his name is not Ibn Warraq. We'll come back on him, as well as on Philippe Karsenty, who is a pro-Israelian extremist in France and only taken seriously in the rightist American media. Curiously, he is opposed to anti-Islam policies, but that may have changed during the conference.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Islam is a political project. It is a supremacist movement. It has a three-tiered stage, and has always had that. And those stages - the first one is dawa, or missionary work, persuading individuals to agree with the basic tenets and principals of that political project. The second is hejira, or emigration - spreading the faith, by planting people who have been converted to the faith, in other areas. And finally there's the stage of jihad. And that, I don't have to tell you.

Ayaan is describing the phenomenon we are all beginning to become aware of. Islamists emigrate into an area, and once there in sufficient numbers, they begin threatening the public with riots and violence. They do this not by specific direction; that is, they don't, as the Mafia did, have leaders who identify specific targets for attack. Instead, they do this by general direction, as per the Koran, to be at war with non-Muslims in general. This effectively results in enough acts of violence because the Islamist culture is intentionally filled with hate for non-Muslims, so that there are always more than enough Islamists itching to do violence. The non-Islamic host culture is unused to such an attack. Arresting the specific perpetrators of violence doesn't solve the situation, since the Islamist culture always produces more violence-prone Islamists. The non-Islamic host culture typically has no systems in place to root out the Islamist culture that is attacking it. Blindsided, without thinking about the long-term implications, the non-Islamic host culture usually attempts to appease the Islamists by giving them more and more of whatever they demand, hoping that they will then abandon violence. But Islam doesn't seek co-existence; as Ayaan says, Islam is a political project. It seeks political domination and supremacy. In many cases the result is that the non-Islamic host culture is destroyed, in a manner comparable to a body attacked by cancer.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, at an afternoon panel.

This is a strategy that is brilliantly crafted to attack non-Islamic cultures. It has been developed and honed literally over centuries.

Imagine: An academic gathering of people who have read certainly hundreds of the thousands of books that have been written on the complex concept of 'culture', listening to this nonsense about a "political attack on non-islamic cultures". How can a culture be "attacked"? How many, very different, cultures, Islam has adapted to in its history? Confusion between culture, civilization, religion, traditions, philosophy and ideology! I guess, that the Pepperdine heroes soon will find an Islamic version of the "Protocols of the Wise of Zion", to underpin their racist fear- and hate-mongering!

And it's extremely effective, as seen in this example discussed by Mark Steyn (more examples follow below):

Mark Steyn: The marriage practices of one province in Pakistan, have become routine in northern English towns. People are sometimes bringing brides over who do not meet the legal age of consent in some of these countries and still marrying them, and living with them, and nobody does anything about it because of multi-cultural sensitivities.

Stop! Not the first lie by Steyn at this Conference. But here we are dealing with a fact. It is about Bradford in North-West England. The local authorities immediately acted and forced the family to abide by the law. We'll force this ridiculous humorist to retract.

Greg Davis noted the importance of awareness of the nature of Islam as a political project.

Greg Davis: Islam has never understood a distinction between the secular and the religious. It is really only in the West, only in Christian and post-Christian countries, where the separation between the political and the temporal - and the religious - became enshrined in a serious way, in civilization, and freedom of conscience and such things developed. This has never occurred in Islam. From the times of the prophet Mohammed, Islam was a political program - an imperialistic project. It was really, I think you could say, the first totalitarian global movement in history, far predating national Socialism, far predating Communism. It was an attempt - is an attempt - to reconstruct the world along what is imagined to be ideal lines, specific guidelines, statutes, given by Allah, by god himself, from his last, final, complete thought [expressed to] Mohammed. This is what we must understand first and foremost about Islam. It is more appropriate to think of Islam as akin to Communism, I would say, or national Socialism, than any religion that we are likely to be familiar with. If we do not understand this basic fact - if we cannot speak frankly about the danger, and identify it, and call it what it is, I think we don't have a very good chance of surviving.

The happily smiling preacher couple Greg and Amy Davis of the Churches of Christ Protestant congregation, the church of Pepperdine at its foundation in 1937.

Here, I will reveal a great Secret to the Minister and his wife: All "cultures", religions and states, even cities, were 'totalitarian' in all history and still are, but for a limited number of countries in West and East, where pluralism has been developed, starting in the later eighteenth century. Even now, in the United States of America, there are Protestant sects (I am not talking about the arch-totalitarian Roman Catholic Church) that are totalitarian. That is why the defense of pluralism, including the right to dissent and to believe privately anything you like, is so important in the struggle against totalitarianism. 'Multiculturalism' is not a weakness of treacherous European intellectuals, but a necessary concept, a proud concept, that is written into the great American Constitution. He who, as is being done at this conference, tries to suppress by way of Government (state) lawful and honest creeds and beliefs of his neighbors, is giving way to the most abject form of totalitarianism, that of a privately owned (by white Christians) state.


Well. Tomorrow we will listen to 'Ibn Warraq' and his ice-hockey parable. And meet other new friends. Our Warraq prophetizes Europe's collapse in 10 years, so we may still have some time to ponder his wisdom.


Pepperdine: Pipes', Steyn's and Hirsi Ali's compromising Friends in Germany

From "At Home in Europe":

A German Mouthpiece for Hirsi Ali and Daniel Pipes: Udo Ulfkotte

Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is a German security expert. Trained as a lawyer, he serves business and security agencies like the American NSA in the anti-spy sector.
He and his front organizations like "PAX-Europe" were some time busy attacking "greens, leftists, reds, and islamist fundamentalists". Recently, he put his activities into a higher gear, following instructions from Hirsi Ali and her friends (see my Daniel Pipies Rallies his Friends against Islam and Eurabia in this Blog - 11.6.07), declaring outright that "Islam" as such is undermining Europe (creating a phantomatic "Eurabia"). He might have been inspired by Dutch ex-conservative-liberal Geert Wilders, who, with a similar one-issue program, won 10 seats in the 150-strong national Parliament in The Hague.

The Dutch international Public Radio Programme's Blog section carries (13.6.07) a contribution by its Berlin correspondent Laurens Bovens, that we reproduce here:

(RNW - Radio Nederland Wereldomroep Logo)

'German Wilders' attacks Islam

by Laurens Bovens


Just like Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, a politician has appeared in Germany who is warning against "a tsunami of Islamisation." His name is Udo Ulfkotte, a former journalist who has often made appearances on German Television programmes as an expert on Islam. But Mr Ulfkotte has turned over a new leaf. He is working on the formation of a political party. A party that is to defend Christian values in Germany and Europe against what he regards as the increasing influence of radical Islam.

Udo Ulfkotte (Photo from own website )

Cheers go up when Udo Ulfkotte declares: "I am not with the left, I am not with the right, I am with the Lord God"He casts his eyes upward. Mr Ulfkotte is a confirmed Christian, but one who belongs to a movement that believes living together with Muslims is practically impossible. "European values are those of the Judeo-Christian tradition: peace, freedom, democracy and tolerance."

"Muslims are different, they are from a different tradition. This is clearly demonstrated at many schools in the Netherlands and Germany by the extent to which children are willing to use violence. Muslims are in many ways different from Europeans."

Fifty people have come to attend Udo Ulfkotte's lecture in an out-of-the-way hall in a poor Berlin district. This is where the fledgling politician, who travels far and wide and also lectures abroad, tells his tale for the umpteenth time. Just like Dutch Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders did before him, he talks of a tsunami of Islamisation. Mr Ulfkotte means to say that European governments are too easily swayed to give in to the demands of radical Muslims. Where will that lead? Mr Ulfkotte goes through a long list of examples:

He claims that Germany allows polygamy among Muslims. And that some swimming pools have introduced separate opening hours for Muslims and non-Muslims. He asks himself why 'we' accept that some parents do not have their children innoculated.

Mr Ulfkotte does not limit himself to Germany. The Netherlands is up next: "Amsterdam has cancelled education on rural life" he says, because pigs were part of the discussion during these classes and that was an affront to Muslim schoolchildren. Mr Ulfkotte claims the affair escalated to the point where the curriculum was changed.

It's an example of how he only tells half the story. Yes, there was one school in Amsterdam where this occurred, but Mr Ulfkotte fails to mention that the Amsterdam authorities were furious about the incident. A spokesperson for the responsible councillor says this must never happen again because you cannot solve problems that way.

Dutch politician Geert Wilders, another critic of the Islamic culture

Political party
Mr Ulfkotte says he has around 500 supporters and has plans to form a political party, the name of which is yet to be revealed. He says he has no intention of sitting in parliament, but hopes to pressure other parties into adopting his programme and turning against Islamisation in Germany. "If that doesn't happen, I hope we will be strong enough to do it ourselves", he says.

His audience likes what he has to say. His words are frequently interrupted by applause, and afterwards several people say they have learned something. But not everybody is pleased. Two Muslim students from the Berlin Free University are also listening to his speech and later accuse Ulfkotte of being racist. "He tries to paint an evil picture of Islam and conducts a witch hunt against Islam."
Radical Islam

She disputes that Mr Ulfkotte is only denouncing radical Islam. According to her, he makes Muslims in general appear in a bad light. "He is peddling conspiracy theories here."She compares Mr Ulfkotte to the far-right NPD. "It would be dangerous if he formed a party." Which could happen in the coming weeks, ahead of the 2009 p[arliamentary] election.

A Dutch listener commenting on this article from Australia, however, is fully convinced of Wilders', Ali's and Pipes' 'Eurabia' myth:

Maarten Hoogesteger, 14-06-2007 - Australia

Hooray that someone with a bit of commonsense is finally raising their voice. About time. I have watch with incredulity as Europe hands over their continent to a bunch of stark raving mad desert dwellers. European politicians who allowed this to happen should be put on trial for treason and for aiding and abetting an enemy. Shame on them.

Short, but everything is in it:

  • the 'collapse' of Europe (continent 'handed over')
  • racism: 'a bunch of raving mad desert dwellers' (does he know, that the germanic tribes came once from the central Asian steppes?)
  • and the "treason" by the 'Left' - our concentration camps are under preparation...
A second commenter, however, sees it otherwise:
This [softening of Christian fundamentalism through Enlightenment, HR] is therefore no justification to claim moral high ground over Islamic Jihadists. This "Judeo-Christian tradition" is only interesting for historians but not for politicians. If Udo Ulfkotte is defending Christian values in Germany and Europe, than he is by default someone I distrust.
And so do I.