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The PI Hate Website Reveals its Nazi Roots. Ulfkotte Faves It. [EN]

The old PI Banner, featuring the US Flag. It was abandoned, when the US turned Obama.The German website "Politically Incorrect" (located in the US) claims to uphold the 1947 (West-) German democratic Constitution. But that is only another way, to mobilize German frustrations, that are dating back to the Nazi years, against "new" targets.

Those new targets (Islam, Muslims, anti-racists or "Gutmenschen") singularly look like the Nazis' favored victims (Jews, Democracy, artists, the Church). Like Hitler cuddled with the Jerusalem Mufti, imagining to use him against Jews, so is "PI" trying to cuddle with Israel, hoping to find an ally against Muslims.

The PI website has some 50.000 followers, which is of course a small minority among the 100 million Europeans who speak German (Germany, Austria and part of Switzerland), but it is by far too many. My German friend Dietmar Naeher follows, criticizes and even stalks PI on a daily basis in his blog Politblogger (in German). German Security Services are also observing Politically Incorrect. But as of now, to no avail.

PI Hypocrisy

Why is it so difficult, to counter PI, a site that over-boils daily with racist, aggressive and sometimes openly Nazist texts? In my opinion, that has much to do with the hypocritical policy that the blog founder invented some three years ago. The editors publish two or three short articles a day, that are seldom explicitly racist, but deal exclusively with despicable deeds or facts that are rightly or wrongly ascribed to Muslims or to people who are known to be against racism. The latter are Church leaders who favor interreligious dialog (Latest example: Catholic theologian Heiner Bielefeldt, director of the Government-financed Institute for Human Rights in Berlin), or academics who uphold moral values in the media (Latest example: Dr. Sabine Schiffer from the Institut für Medienverantwortung of the Erlanger university).

Every publication is commented by dozens of PI-readers. And it is in those comments that the venom appears. The blog leadership waives any responsability for the hate-comments. It says that it filters right wing and revanchist comments, but in reality, it leaves them regularly on the site. Washing their hands in "innocence".

An example (among many others), of the dark-brown roots of "PI"

December 27, 2009, PI published a post about an anarchist attack with two camping gas containers against a right wing union office in Berlin. The victim was a small policemen-union, damages were not beyond a dislocated door. But, of course, any democrat condemns that kind of actions. Anyhow: Typical stuff for a PI-post, with the suggestion that German judicial authorities favor left-wing groups and concentrate their ire on right-wing ones.

To-day, in the early morning of January 1st, 2010, the PI editors still have done nothing against the following comment, dated December 29:


#12 Xanthippos (all commenters hide behind fantasy names)

"This lousy pack (the anarchists) has to be disposed of, by all means.

For that kind of actions, I would prefer a man like Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski. He was very successful at the suppression of gangs."

Indeed! Mr. Zelewski (the "von dem Bach" was his mothers' name, that he added to his family name when he rose in the SS ranks, because it sounds less slavic than Zelewski) was a champion ethnic cleanser and pitiless murderer of Jews, Belorussians, Ukrainians and anti-Nazi partisans all over Europe in 1939-1945: (Wikipedia)

After the war broke out [1939 in Poland, HR], units under his command took part in reprisal actions and the shooting of POWs during the September Campaign, although von dem Bach was not personally present.

On 7 November 1939, SS chief Heinrich Himmler offered him the post of Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom in Silesia. His duties included mass resettlements and the confiscation of private property. By August 1940, his units had forced more than 20,000 Żywiec families to leave their homes.

On 22 June 1941, von dem Bach-Zelewski became HSSPF [High SS Commander, HR] in the region of the Heeresgruppe Mitte (Army Group Center); in July 1943, he became commander of the so-called "Bandenkämpfverbände" ("Band-fighting Units"), responsible for the mass murder of 35,000 civilians in Riga and more than 200,000 in Belarus and eastern Poland. The authorities designated him as the future HSSPF in Moscow; however, the Wehrmacht failed to take the city. Until 1943, von dem Bach-Zalewski remained the HSSPF in command of "anti-partisan" units on the central front, a special command created by Adolf Hitler. Von dem Bach-Zalewski was the only HSSPF in the occupied Soviet territories to retain genuine authority over the police after Hans-Adolf Prützmann and Jockeln lost theirs to the civil administration.

In February 1942, he was hospitalized, later claiming that this was due to a nervous breakdown connected with the ethnic cleansing in Belarus, especially the genocide of the Jews. Wireless intercepts decoded by British intelligence suggest, however, that his illness was strictly physical. He resumed his post in July, with no apparent reduction in his ruthlessness.


On 12 July 1943, von dem Bach-Zalewski received command of all anti-partisan actions in Belgium, Belarus, France, the General Government, the Netherlands, Norway, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and parts of the Bezirk Bialystok. In practice, his activities remained confined to Belarus and contiguous parts of Russia.

After the war

Zelewski cooperated with the Nuremberg Tribunal and went unharmed until 1951, when he was condemned by a German Court for the murder of his former cabinet chief and 1961, when he was condemned again, for the murder of German Communists during the Thirties. He died 1972 in a Munich prison hospital.

Zelewski has never been brought to justice for his murders of non-Arians; only for some instances of violence against "real" Germans. His anti-partisan "bands" activities are considered as mostly non-effective. Many civilians were murdered, while the partisans were allowed to flee.

The PI blindness to Nazi and revanchist comments is systematic. It is incredible, that Israeli authorities and the German Jewish Council allow PI's use of Jewish symbols, while the website celebrates authors of genocide on Jews.

Look at this call to support PI financially:

An aggressive blond boy joins another one, who features a Star of David:

The fat swine enjoys itself. PI makes a fool of Jewish feelings and traditions.

Ulfkotte and PI

Recently, Dr. Udo Ulfkotte changed (again) his opinion about possible allies, consecrating solemnly "PI" as an image of a "free" and unbiased news source. Forgetting his repeated descriptions of PI as "right wing extremist", Ulfkotte wrote at the "Kopp" exclusive Website on December 1st, 2009:

Derweilen entstehen – parallel zum Sinkflug des »Qualitätsjournalismus« – unabhängige und nicht angepasste neue Medien wie etwa Politically Incorrect. Sie kommen völlig ohne Journalistenausweis aus – und gehören nicht zu jenen skrupellosen Meinungsmachern [..]


In the mean time arrive - as a corollary to the shipwreck of "Quality Journalism" - independent and unadapted new media, like Politically Incorrect. They do not need any official journalist licence - and do not belong to the unscupulous opinion-makers [..]

Well, Mr. Ulfkotte, this is an issue for our next warning to US Bible Schools, where you are expected to give lectures this year. Your recent association with PI will provoke some questions from your students.

We are here, to help them getting to the truth.

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Reader Comments (3)

"Your recent association with PI will provoke some questions from your students."

That is wishful thinking. Students at American bible schools never question anything.

January 3 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

Dear David,
I am afraid that you are right. But HOPE doesn't die.

January 3 | Registered CommenterHuib

I'm afraid, you're right, both of you.

November 27 | Registered CommenterHuib

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