3. Ulfkotte allows casher meat as long as the German Jews do not become too numerous (again) [EN]
haGalil is the largest German-language Jewish on-line publication. It had more than 18 million visitors in the year 2006.
The excellent German blog "Politisch Korrekt" has a post on December 15, 2007 (Juden vs PI und Ulfkotte), that remembers a July 8, 2007 article in haGalil (Bloggen fürs Abendland) by Alexander Hasgall of the tachles Swiss Jewish weekly.
Hasgall concentrates on two of the German hate-blogs against Muslims, "Politically Incorrect" (PI, Stephan Herre), and "Akte Islam" (AI, Udo Ulfkotte). The author states, that, in spite of PI's pro-Israeli references and AI's "judeo-christian values", their negative agitation is dangerous, not only for Muslims, but also for Jews.
Ritual Slaughtering: Only permitted, if your number is under the Ulfkotte tolerance-limit...
Leaving aside the parts about PI ("Politisch Korrekt", above mentioned, and, for instance, the satirical "Politically Impotent" do a fine job against it), here is something more about Ulfkotte and his views on Jewish culture and traditions from the mentioned article in the Jewish German press:
We all know the reason, why there are not so many Jewish people left in Germany (and in Austria).
"Demographically", the German Jewish population number is apparently, thanks to the Nazis, under the Ulfkotte-defined limits for intolerance.
We have to do, here, with a typical Ulfkottean position. An untenable position, as we will see.
He tries to avoid being seen as an anti-semite, by invoking "civilized" principles (animal protection) for his venomous hate-mongering on the ritual slaughter issue. But are pigs not animals? Is the pork-holocaust that daily happens in Germany and in the countries from which it imports that kind of meat, not about "tons" of meat and tortured animals, who have, during their whole miserable life, often never seen the sun or a green meadow?
Ulfkotte shared the outrage at "PI", when German sweets producer Haribo decided (May 2007) to substitute pork fat in some of their products, by other animal fat that is not forbidden for Muslims and Jews.
Ulfkotte turns a xenophobic gut-reaction (against ritual slaughtering) into a passionate defense of the ur-German swine against the intrusion of sheep and goats in the wake of the Muslim invasion.
haGalil said it this way:
It is all ridiculous. We had already some good laughs with Ulfkotte, when he symbolized Muslim aggression with an image stolen from a violent American subculture-movie. And also, when he tried to set up a "gang-shop" with Judeo-Christian hate-shirts and bags, for the thousands of young Ulfkotte-fans he imagined that were going to the Brussels September 11 anti-Eurabia Manifestation he tried to dominate against his friends from SIOE and of the Belgian right wing Flemish chauvinist party Vlaams Belang.
But the context of the actions of Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is too serious, to keep on laughing. Ulfkotte combines his hate-mongering against Islam with juridical harassing of German bloggers, in an effort to silence them. So he is, in my opinion, a danger to freedom of expression on the Web.
Plays into the Hands of Radical Islamists - Intentionally?
And his conscious- ,or unconscious-, caricaturisation of the "serious" populists and white supremacists, makes him a vector of the following:
However, shouldn't we eliminate the possibility, that Ulfkotte's hate-mongering is UNconscious?
In the Mossad-Sarkozy hoax we wrote about two days ago, he implies, that the Mossad and Sarkozy aimed at exactly the above effect!
Forcing themselves on Israel and on Jews
It is a common phenomenon, that hate-mongers like Ulfkotte, try to force themselves on Israel (and on the Jews) as their greatest allies in a world of anti-Semites and Arabophiles. Filip Dewinter, leader of the Vlaams Belang, went in 2004 to Israel and got some Antwerp Jews to join his racist movement. PI has some Israelian correspondents. American Christian Hate-Islam meetings against the Islamic headscarf, often feature an ex-American Jewish lady, now a convinced colonist on Palestinian soil, who wears a gigantic wig, as prescribed by Jewish Orthodox law for married women...
In the above example of slaughtering, we have seen, how thin and how opportunist the line is, between tolerating, even "admiring", cultural and religious usages, and discriminatory agaitation against them. For Ulfkotte, it is a question of numbers, he says. The moment, he judges, that a "demographical unbalance" comes into being, anything should be allowed in agitation against the intruders. But, for the time being, they try to mislead the Jews with "scurrilous" reasonings.
How "Functional Principles" are Born...
Ajaan Hirsi Ali, who, in contrast to Ulfkotte, has developed a theory about the fundamental evilness of Muslims, all Muslims, and particularly the "moderate" people among them, made a proposal, in 2003, in Dutch Parliament, to forbid "genital mutilation" of women, which seems all right to me, but at the same time, of the Islamic prescription about the male circumcision. She had, otherwise than Ulfkotte, no excuse by some unrelated (and pretended) principle, and was embarrassed by hostile Jewish comments against that plan. When she realized, that in the USA, circumcision is very common, also among non-Jews, she was quick to abandon her principles in so far as they concerned male circumcision...
haGalil has the last word:
This article is the second one about Ulfkotte and the Jews. It is cross-posted at HUIBSLOG, like the former articles in this series. French versions are to appear in Toto Le Psycho, and Dutch ones in De Lage Landen.
The Ulfkotte-related articles in this blog can be consulted under the "Ulfkotte" tag in the sidebar.
Technorati Tags: Ulfkotte, Jews, Germany, Islam
Hasgall concentrates on two of the German hate-blogs against Muslims, "Politically Incorrect" (PI, Stephan Herre), and "Akte Islam" (AI, Udo Ulfkotte). The author states, that, in spite of PI's pro-Israeli references and AI's "judeo-christian values", their negative agitation is dangerous, not only for Muslims, but also for Jews.
Ritual Slaughtering: Only permitted, if your number is under the Ulfkotte tolerance-limit...
Leaving aside the parts about PI ("Politisch Korrekt", above mentioned, and, for instance, the satirical "Politically Impotent" do a fine job against it), here is something more about Ulfkotte and his views on Jewish culture and traditions from the mentioned article in the Jewish German press:
Auch der dezidierte Kampf gegen das von Muslimen und Juden praktizierte Schächten irritiert. [..] Auch auf [AI] wird zuweilen heftig gegen die rituellen Schlachtungen Stimmung gemacht. Angefragt, ob er damit nicht Argumente aus antisemitischen Kreisen aufgreife, erklärt Ulfkotte, dass er "aus Tierschutzgründen" das Schächten grundsätzlich ablehne. Jedoch unterscheide er zwischen dem Schächten bei Juden und dem Schächten bei Muslimen. Juden würden "nicht tonnenweise geschächtetes Fleisch einführen" und auch nicht "undeklariert in Dönerbuden verkaufen".Translation:
Da stellt sich die Frage, wie Ulfkotte reagieren würde, sollte die Zahl koscher essender Juden in Deutschland anwachsen und mehr koscheres Fleisch importiert werden.
The consequent denunciation of Muslim and Jewish slaughter traditions is irritating also. [..] On [Akte Islam] too, it happens regularly that public opinion is roused against ritual slaughtering. On the question, if he does not follow anti-semitic argumentation in doing so, Ulfkotte said, that he is a principled opponent of animal-slaughtering because of his "convictions about the protection of animals". But he makes a distinction between slaughtering by Jews and slaughtering by Muslims. Jews are not in a position "to import slaughtered meat by the tons" and do not "sell it uncontrolled in Döner-shops".A Passionate Defender of German Pork Meat against the Intrusion of Islamic Goats and Sheep...
This makes us wonder, how Ulfkotte would react, if and when the number of casher eating Jews in Germany would grow and more casher meat will have to be imported...
We all know the reason, why there are not so many Jewish people left in Germany (and in Austria).
"Demographically", the German Jewish population number is apparently, thanks to the Nazis, under the Ulfkotte-defined limits for intolerance.

He tries to avoid being seen as an anti-semite, by invoking "civilized" principles (animal protection) for his venomous hate-mongering on the ritual slaughter issue. But are pigs not animals? Is the pork-holocaust that daily happens in Germany and in the countries from which it imports that kind of meat, not about "tons" of meat and tortured animals, who have, during their whole miserable life, often never seen the sun or a green meadow?
Ulfkotte shared the outrage at "PI", when German sweets producer Haribo decided (May 2007) to substitute pork fat in some of their products, by other animal fat that is not forbidden for Muslims and Jews.
Ulfkotte turns a xenophobic gut-reaction (against ritual slaughtering) into a passionate defense of the ur-German swine against the intrusion of sheep and goats in the wake of the Muslim invasion.
haGalil said it this way:
Demgegenüber werden im Blog diffuse christlich-jüdische Werte des Abendlandes vertreten, oft auf fast skurrile Art und Weise: So wurdedie Produktion von schweinefleischfreien Gummibärchen durch den Süsswarenhersteller Haribo auf politicallyincorrect.de als ein "Unterwerfen" gegenüber dem Islam interpretiert und es wurde zu Protestschreiben an Haribo aufgefordert. Gummibärchen mit Schweinegelatine sollen, folgt man der Logik der Autoren, die jüdisch-christlich-abendländische Kultur symbolisieren.Summary:
In contrast to this, Chistian-Jewish values of the West are en vogue on the blog (PI), often in a more or less scurrilous way: [The production of pork-free sweets by Haribo, HR] was interpreted on PI as a "submission" to Islam [..]. Sweet little bears with porky gelatin, would, in the logic of the blog-authors, symobilise the Jewish-Christian Western culture.Ridiculous, but also dangerous...
It is all ridiculous. We had already some good laughs with Ulfkotte, when he symbolized Muslim aggression with an image stolen from a violent American subculture-movie. And also, when he tried to set up a "gang-shop" with Judeo-Christian hate-shirts and bags, for the thousands of young Ulfkotte-fans he imagined that were going to the Brussels September 11 anti-Eurabia Manifestation he tried to dominate against his friends from SIOE and of the Belgian right wing Flemish chauvinist party Vlaams Belang.

Plays into the Hands of Radical Islamists - Intentionally?
And his conscious- ,or unconscious-, caricaturisation of the "serious" populists and white supremacists, makes him a vector of the following:
Grundsätzlich befürchtet Dantschke*), dass die Rhetorik solcher Blogs den Islamisten letztlich zuarbeite und sie stärke. Es werde darin eine homogene muslimische Gemeinschaft gezeichnet und diese durch zahlreiche Beispiele pauschal kriminalisiert. Dies ermögliche es islamistischen Organisationen wiederum, die These des "Kampfes der Kulturen" zu propagieren, nach welcher der Islam dem Westen nach dem Kalten Krieg als neues Feindbild In Sachen westliche "Welteroberung" diene. Auch bestärke es Islamisten in ihrer Erklärung, sie seien die "Verteidiger der Interessen der Muslime".Translation:
Basically, Dantschke*) fears, that the rhetorics of this kind of blogs helps and invigorates the Islamists in the end. An image of a homogeneous Muslim community is suggested and that community is being undistinctively criminalized by way of numerous examples. Islamist organizations, then, are being facilitated in their propaganda of the thesis of the "Clash Of Civilizations", that implies that the Islam serves the West as a new "Empire Of Evil" after the Cold War within the context of a Western world domination. It reinforces also the Islamist claim, that they are the sole "defenders of Muslims' interests".*) Ms. Dantschke is a Berlin researcher, interviewed by the author of the article.
However, shouldn't we eliminate the possibility, that Ulfkotte's hate-mongering is UNconscious?
In the Mossad-Sarkozy hoax we wrote about two days ago, he implies, that the Mossad and Sarkozy aimed at exactly the above effect!
Forcing themselves on Israel and on Jews
It is a common phenomenon, that hate-mongers like Ulfkotte, try to force themselves on Israel (and on the Jews) as their greatest allies in a world of anti-Semites and Arabophiles. Filip Dewinter, leader of the Vlaams Belang, went in 2004 to Israel and got some Antwerp Jews to join his racist movement. PI has some Israelian correspondents. American Christian Hate-Islam meetings against the Islamic headscarf, often feature an ex-American Jewish lady, now a convinced colonist on Palestinian soil, who wears a gigantic wig, as prescribed by Jewish Orthodox law for married women...
In the above example of slaughtering, we have seen, how thin and how opportunist the line is, between tolerating, even "admiring", cultural and religious usages, and discriminatory agaitation against them. For Ulfkotte, it is a question of numbers, he says. The moment, he judges, that a "demographical unbalance" comes into being, anything should be allowed in agitation against the intruders. But, for the time being, they try to mislead the Jews with "scurrilous" reasonings.
How "Functional Principles" are Born...
Ajaan Hirsi Ali, who, in contrast to Ulfkotte, has developed a theory about the fundamental evilness of Muslims, all Muslims, and particularly the "moderate" people among them, made a proposal, in 2003, in Dutch Parliament, to forbid "genital mutilation" of women, which seems all right to me, but at the same time, of the Islamic prescription about the male circumcision. She had, otherwise than Ulfkotte, no excuse by some unrelated (and pretended) principle, and was embarrassed by hostile Jewish comments against that plan. When she realized, that in the USA, circumcision is very common, also among non-Jews, she was quick to abandon her principles in so far as they concerned male circumcision...
haGalil has the last word:
Auch der Umstand, dass der Holocaust von den meisten selbsternannten Kämpfern gegen Antisemitismus zumeist nur dann thematisiert wird, wenn er in den Zusammenhang mit einer muslimischen Mitschuld gebracht werden kann, stimmt nachdenklich. Schliesslich erinnert dies an altbekannte Formen von Schuldabwehr: Wer mit dem Finger auf andere zeigt, muss sich nicht mit der eigenen Vergangenheit beschäftigen. Dass nicht nur Ulfkotte, sondern auch der Gründer von politicallyincorrect.de Stefan Herre in neorechten Postillen wie "Junge Freiheit" publiziert, erstaunt daher nicht.Translation:
It is also a matter for reflexion, that the Holocaust is (mostly) only mentioned by the self-appointed warriors against Anti-Semitism, when it can be related to any Muslim co responsibility. It makes one remember some well known incidents of guilt-denial: Who points his finger to others, may waive the discussion of his own history. The fact that not only Ulfkotte, but also Stefan Herre of PI, publish articles in neo-right-wing pamphlets like "Junge Freiheit", is therefore no surprise to us."A next chapter in our Ulfkotte-series will deal with Ulfkotte and right wing extremism.
This article is the second one about Ulfkotte and the Jews. It is cross-posted at HUIBSLOG, like the former articles in this series. French versions are to appear in Toto Le Psycho, and Dutch ones in De Lage Landen.
The Ulfkotte-related articles in this blog can be consulted under the "Ulfkotte" tag in the sidebar.
Technorati Tags: Ulfkotte, Jews, Germany, Islam
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