Plame: Cheney under fire

From July 2005 on, I have been blogging on the Plame case. We could understand from the beginning, that is was a counterattack designed by the White House against a former ambassador who told the truth about supposed Iraqi efforts to obtain nuclear materials in Niger. At the same time, the CIA and the State Department were damaged, intentionally, I believe. And there may well be a link to a move to stop CIA monitoring of Turkish-Israeli nuclear activities (as Valerie Plame was leading the CIA front office doing so, in Istanbul).
All that has a distinct Cheney signature.
Now, a "court filing by Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald for the first time places Bush and Vice President Cheney at the heart of what Libby testified was an exceptional and deliberate leak of material designed to buttress the administration's claim that Iraq was trying to obtain nuclear weapons. The information was contained in the National Intelligence Estimate, one of the most closely held CIA analyses of whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before the war", says the Washington Post.
Cheney told Libby that president Bush had decided that the information in the report could be released. (Cheney just had obtained powers to do so himself. So why are Cheney and Libby implicating Bush in this?)
With these revelations, the moment for Cheney to step down as VP of the US, seems approaching.
Although the US trias politica prooves again that it is working, it is also working very slowly. The Iraq disaster is there. A complete disorganisation of the federal budget and vital services like the army, the CIA, the National Guard has been established.
Better too late than never: this executive has to be cleaned up asap.
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