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An European Workshop in Brussels 22.5.07 [EN]

 "Skills for sustainable and competitive Communities": The title of an European workshop I attended today in the Brussels Belliardstreet. It was organised by the Quartiers-en-Crise/European Regeneration Areas Network (QeC-ERAN), a NGO of urban governments, officials and practicians. I told about it yesterday in the E-Urban Journal.

It was a very good and efficient conference, well designed to promote a new objective of QeC with other networks and (European) institutions. This objective is: More and better organised training on an European level for those urban practicians, who are engaged in "integrated approaches" (area-based projects) to urban zones that need to be regenerated.

I will report about it seriously in the E-Urban journal one of these days.

But those who are acquainted with the former "Huibs' URBLOG", know, that I am always inspired by this kind of occasions to some irrespectful (or is it irreverent?) observations.  Which may, I am convinced of it, often be more to the (power-)point than the respectful ones...

The venue of the conference was the building that also houses the European Committee of the Regions

It is located in the Brussels Belliardstreet, a seven-lane one-way avenue that leaves only a few space for pedestrians, who move between the European Parliament, the European Council and a series of Europe-linked offices. I know, for I arrived by public transport.

European conference rituals 

After a thorough search by security personnel, and arriving in the conference room, I immediately felt at home. Somehow, somewhen, I started to LIKE these conferences. You get a bag with a logo, a sticker with your name on it, and, often, a pen and writing paper. Sometimes, even a USB-plug is offered. Here, however, only a ballpoint pen accompanied a miserable plastic folder with the conference agenda. After all, QeC-ERAN is about poor urban neighbourhoods. So that was no reason for complaint.

The more so, as the conference room showed a progress in electronic equipment that was totally new to me.


Every seat had its own (Sony) flatscreen in front of its occupant. The inevitable powerpoint-slides of the speakers were no more projected on a big screen over the podium, as became usual during the last five or ten years. They appeared on your personal screen. And, more stunning still, an invisible hand focussed invisible webcams on speakers and people who intervened with questions or remarks from their seat in the room. Above, you can see an image, I took from my personal screen, showing an overview of the meeting room. I happened to be just in front of that camera, so you can see my back as I took the picture from my screen.

The last progress in electronic conferencing, before we all go on the Net... 

I do not know, if this Big-Brother-like system has been intentionally designed for it, but I immediately realised, that I urgently need a haircut. Later on, during the meeting, I discovered, that there was no invisible hand that steered the cameras, no: the whole system is automatic and interactive! I pushed a button on my personal microphone in order to say something in the discussion, and, to my horror, on my screen (and on every one of the other hundred screens) appeared an enormous image of my face... I instantly forgot what I had to say, pushed several other buttons, but I remained in the focus. Until, finally, someone else pushed his or her button and started to speak.

Below is a normal image of the conference room (not taken from a screen): 


And I wondered: Why did we physically meet in a classic conference room? The webcam-screen system could easily have been operated by way of the internet. The conference-modus of MSN-Messenger, of Yahoo and of Skype offer already the same possibilities as were imposed on us at the workshop. Clustered to your screen, no time to look around , to observe or to smell other humans, all occupied by interactive operation of powerpoint presentations or focussing the webcam on yourself - it can (and is being) done all the time.

The only occasion for physical nearness was the Lunch. Served by one of the many good Brussels traiteurs (cod and salmon), it had to be consumed standing in a corner of the hallway. It wasn't served on screens, but I am sure, there will be a way to do that also by the Web or by email (an e-meal?).

A distressing belly-dance 

Finally, at the end of the day, a rebellious lady broke the spell of the cameras and the screens. She STOOD! She delivered her speech, inviting us to maintain old-fashioned eye-contact with her, while she stood upright behind the pulpit. A revolution! The whole sytem broke down, for the fixed webcam only captures SEATING people. So, during her talk, on all our hundred screens, we saw her belly. Nothing but her unremarkable, well-dressed middle part! Corinne Hermant-de Cattalaÿ, you stole my heart! Even if your message was as distressing as could be. Corinne had to explain how uncoordinated, un-integrated the European funding structure for cities with integrated development approaches is, during the next seven years. In spite of her play with the camera, it was no belly-dance at all, so to say.

Giving a voice to overworked, unsufficiently supported, urban practicians 

But, undoubtedly, she made the best of it. The same should be said of QeC-ERAN Director Haroon Saad's presentation of the audit (evaluation) they made of an enquête (questionnaire) among urban practicians. An urgent need for more training and communication facilities on an European level, with some remarkable focal points, such as conflict resolution, was seen. And very convincing, too.

Managing conflicting institutions 

- Ah, suddenly I remember, what I wanted to ask when the screen flashed my ugly face so unexpectedly. I wanted to ask, which kind of conflicts to be resolved, the respondents have in mind, thinking that it is NOT about  personal or personnel conflicts, but mostly conflicts with- and between INSTITUTIONS. Institutions are a forgotten category among the elements, the local urban practitioners have to deal with. They have to be taken into account from the first design of the project on. Their behaviour has to be monitored. Benchmarks to be set and kept. Project managers and, often also their political bosses, have no grip on the institutional landscape they have to work with. The institurions used to be talked about as "partners", to be lured into "partnerships". But they have their own, particular, rationale, and much tactic manipulation, supported by extra money is always needed to keep them more or less on board. It doesn't help, I think, to call them "stakeholders", as has become the buzz-word now.They still always decide at the end of the day, which one of their stakes matters them most. Too often, that is not their stake in the local project, but something else.

I wouldn't speak of "conflict resolution" in this case, but of "conflict management". For the urban project managers are not there to resolve the problems of other social and political levels. Some progress in good governance, more coordination, less infighting among services - that could be a nice side-effect of their work. No more than that. They have to work within the structures that exist. They are not God. Perhaps sometimes Angels, at most.

Women often have many of the skills needed 

And one of those angels is portrayed below (another screen-take). Ilda Curti, former project manager in an extremely complicated neighbourhood of Turin, now alderman of that city in Northern Italy. She presides QeC-ERAN and led the conference with a refreshing wit. One of the reasons, I love that world of urban regeneration so much, is the presence of so many competent women like her. The work of a local urban project manager is best done with a feminine, strong and down-to-earth touch. There are many men who master that too, but more women do.

I cannot help. This lightfeeted article grew more serious than I intended. I see, that I managed to tackle two of the main points, urban regeneration pundit Jacquier made, in February in Lyon: institutions and women.

I need that haircut, and some Freud reading.


Wolfowitz:It was not me - Shaha told me that Iraqi oil would pay for the Iraq occupation!

Today, I published in At Home in Europe and in Legal Alien in New York, the following post. It attracted immediately a flow of page-views from all over the world. I started to write a special, personal, "introduction" for  publication here. But it grew into an autonomous article, that I publish later this day on 'huibslog'.

I am disappointed.

I had expected Wolfie to come up with a better justification for his wasting of public money on a pay rise for his 'long time companion' at the World Bank staff, than this:

"My girlfriend forced me to grant her that salary increase".
(Huffington Post, introducing a Washington Post comment, May 15, 2007).

How mean! How insipid! Even Bill Clinton, when blamed over Monica, never went as far, as to blame her for his break of ethics.

Remembering, how, as an assistant-defense minister in 2003, Paul Wolfowitz got the American Senate to accept another irresponsible spending of public money, saying that "Iraqi oil wealth would compensate largely" for the 31 billion dollars, the Pentagon was going to 'invest' (mostly via Halliburton's KBR and Bechtel) in Iraq, I expected an equally creative and original statement over this new unethical overspending issue.

Wolfowitz got a week extra to respond to the blame of the World Bank investigation commission over the exceptional pay rise he gave to his girlfriend Shaha Risa, when she had to leave the World Bank staff over the incompatibility of her function and her relationship to the newly appointed president.

He did not spend that week well. I suspect, he quarreled endlessly with Shaha, over the kitchen table. She can be terribly "intractable", when she is "extremely angry and upset".
(Quotes are from the 15 page written response by Wolfowitz to the WB investigation committee, as quoted by Peter S. Goodman in the Washington Post.)

Wolfie should have followed his own analysis of the reasons why the Bank's Ethics Committee did not want to deal with the harpy themselves: "It would only be human nature for them to want to steer clear of her." (Wolfowitz in his written response).

The bitch! She even scares to death a complete and very ethical consistory of bankers! Why, by all means, did you stay with her in such "a longtime relationship", Paul?

Maybe, Paul's famous 2003 Iraqi oil statement will provide a clue to that burning question. Few people know it, but I know for sure, that, basically, Paul D. Wolfowitz is a timid intellectual, absolutely unfit for a role within the jungle of dominating males that populate the Washington Administration and the Neocon cabals. Shaha, the untractable bitch, compensates for that otherwise potentially lethal handicap.

(Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz in the Defense Secretary's office at the Pentagon, March 21, 2003, Photo D.H. Kennerly. [This is a placeholder for the copyrighted photo I will buy from that photographer, if it is not too expensive...] It illustrates perfectly the the relation between the two men. Wolfie arrives with a problem, gesticulating. Rummy, annoyed, stands up and starts arguing, dominating the scene with hard words words and broad gestures. It will take the genius of BagNews Notes to interpret the scene correctly. Note the little statue of Theodore Roosevelt in the corner. Th. Roosevelt was, during the first years of the XXst century, the first American president who extended the Monroe Doctrine to other parts of the world, colonizing the Philippines, for instance.)

When Donald Rumsfeld, his boss at the Pentagon (photo) had, once again, verbally abused his egghead assistant, urging him to speak plainly and strongly and not giving lectures, but to be quotable and soundbiting, a subdued Paul went home to his Washington suburb house, wanting to quit altogether and go fishing.

This is where Shaha comes in. She is indeed an intractable housewife, never doing the shopping for the household herself (that would be a "career break"). So, she started sending quivering Wolfie to the local supermarket to buy dinner.

It was at one of those many occasions of hubby been sent shopping, that a writer for the Dutch left-leaning weekly "De Groene Amsterdammer" met him and got charmed by Wolfowitz' helpless intellectual behavior. (Article, in Dutch, by the Washington correspondent of the weekly, May 2003).

Apparently longing to "stay clear" for a moment, from the company of dominating males and females, Paul D. had a little chat over coffee with this intelligent young man and was happy to make a show of his vast intellectual luggage, suggesting at the same time, how open he is to discussion with people from different intellectual and cultural horizons.

Wolfowitz' mood thus being restored, he could live up to go and see Shaha again. He told her his nightmare of having to meet with the Senate committee over the 31 billion dollars for Iraq (correction: for the Pentagon and its contractors). And how Donald Rumsfeld had offended him.

Shaha, probably entering once again into a fit of "extreme anger", then must have lectured Wolfowitz as follows: "I am the Middle East expert of the World Bank!", she cried, "I know everything about oil. For that is what the Middle East is about! Donnie Rumsfeld is right. Do like him! He told those sissy European diplomats the difference between 'old' and 'new' Europe. A truth, so embarrassing, that nobody dared to discuss it. That is how he got away with liquidating NATO. You, you try to get your way all the time by being nice, by trying to convince people. Sometimes, you have to be a nuisance, you have to offend, to shock, telling them the untold truth!"

"But, Shahi-dear," replied Wolfowitz, "we have been told by Cheney, that we should strictly avoid to use the word 'oil' in relation to the occupation of Iraq. If, ever, we are in a situation that we cannot avoid the o-word, we should say that we are talking about the protection of the property of the Iraqi people...".

- He couldn't finish his explanation, as Shaha Risa interrupted him: "And that is exactly what you are going to say, dumbhead! Tell the Senate, that the Iraqis are going to pay themselves for our occupation of their country. I am a banker. I can tell you that it is a clear-cut win-win situation. Your 31 billion will flow back into the American economy through the extra profits our oil companies are going to make on Iraqi oil." 
Content with herself, and calming down a bit, she went philosophical:
"You know, there are many things the senators know, and also a lot that they know they do not know.
There are even more that they do not know they do not know.
But the most effective things for keeping them quiet, are the things they know well, but do not dare to think about! "

And she added: "Just as nobody is going to expect you to mention the embarrassing oil side of the question, nobody will dare to follow you on that tricky field. You'll have your famous quote. I give you a soundbite (this time, exceptionally, for free) that will ashame even Donnie. - And now, Paulie, do the dishes. You're interrupting my career."

And this is why I believe, that, when, some time soon, an investigating committee into the ethics of misleading the American people, Congress and the world, over the Iraq occupation, will grill Mr. Wolfowitz, he will again excuse himself, saying:

"It was Shaha who told me that Iraqi oil would pay for the Iraq occupation!"

Wolfowitz: It was not me: Shaha told me that Iraqi oil would pay for the Iraq occupation!

Wolfowitz and Riza (photo msn)
I am disappointed.

I had expected Wolfie to come up with a better justification for his wasting of public money on a pay rise for his 'long time companion' at the World Bank staff, than this:

"My girlfriend forced me to grant her that salary increase".
(Huffington Post, introducing a Washington Post comment, May 15, 2007).

How mean! How insipid! Even Bill Clinton, when blamed over Monica, never went as far, as to blame her for his break of ethics.

Remembering, how, as an assistant-defense minister in 2003, Paul Wolfowitz got the American Senate to accept another irresponsible spending of public money, saying that "Iraqi oil wealth would compensate largely" for the 31 billion dollars, the Pentagon was going to 'invest' (mostly via Halliburton's KBR and Bechtel) in Iraq, I expected an equally creative and original statement over this new unethical overspending issue.

Wolfowitz got a week extra to respond to the blame of the World Bank investigation commission over the exceptional pay rise he gave to his girlfriend Shaha Risa, when she had to leave the World Bank staff over the incompatibility of her function and her relationship to the newly appointed president.

He did not spend that week well. I suspect, he quarreled endlessly with Shaha, over the kitchen table. She can be terribly "intractable", when she is "extremely angry and upset".
(Quotes are from the 15 page written response by Wolfowitz to the WB investigation committee, as quoted by Peter S. Goodman in the Washington Post.)

Wolfie should have followed his own analysis of the reasons why the Bank's Ethics Committee did not want to deal with the harpy themselves: "It would only be human nature for them to want to steer clear of her." (Wolfowitz in his written response).

The bitch! She even scares to death a complete and very ethical consistory of bankers! Why, by all means, did you stay with her in such "a longtime relationship", Paul?

Maybe, Paul's famous 2003 Iraqi oil statement will provide a clue to that burning question. Few people know it, but I know for sure, that, basically, Paul D. Wolfowitz is a timid intellectual, absolutely unfit for a role within the jungle of dominating males that populate the Washington Administration and the Neocon cabals. Shaha, the untractable bitch, compensates for that otherwise potentially lethal handicap.

(Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz in the Defense Secretary's office at the Pentagon, March 21, 2003, Photo D.H. Kennerly. [This is a placeholder for the copyrighted photo I will buy from that photographer, if it is not too expensive...] It illustrates perfectly the the relation between the two men. Wolfie arrives with a problem, gesticulating. Rummy, annoyed, stands up and starts arguing, dominating the scene with hard words words and broad gestures. It will take the genius of BagNews Notes to interpret the scene correctly. Note the little statue of Theodore Roosevelt in the corner. Th. Roosevelt was, during the first years of the XXst century, the first American president who extended the Monroe Doctrine to other parts of the world, colonizing the Philippines, for instance.)

When Donald Rumsfeld, his boss at the Pentagon (photo) had, once again, verbally abused his egghead assistant, urging him to speak plainly and strongly and not giving lectures, but to be quotable and soundbiting, a subdued Paul went home to his Washington suburb house, wanting to quit altogether and go fishing.

This is where Shaha comes in. She is indeed an intractable housewife, never doing the shopping for the household herself (that would be a "career break"). So, she started sending quivering Wolfie to the local supermarket to buy dinner.

It was at one of those many occasions of hubby been sent shopping, that a writer for the Dutch left-leaning weekly "De Groene Amsterdammer" met him and got charmed by Wolfowitz' helpless intellectual behavior. (Article, in Dutch, by the Washington correspondent of the weekly, May 2003).

Apparently longing to "stay clear" for a moment, from the company of dominating males and females, Paul D. had a little chat over coffee with this intelligent young man and was happy to make a show of his vast intellectual luggage, suggesting at the same time, how open he is to discussion with people from different intellectual and cultural horizons.

Wolfowitz' mood thus being restored, he could live up to go and see Shaha again. He told her his nightmare of having to meet with the Senate committee over the 31 billion dollars for Iraq (correction: for the Pentagon and its contractors). And how Donald Rumsfeld had offended him.

Shaha, probably entering once again into a fit of "extreme anger", then must have lectured Wolfowitz as follows: "I am the Middle East expert of the World Bank!", she cried, "I know everything about oil. For that is what the Middle East is about! Donnie Rumsfeld is right. Do like him! He told those sissy European diplomats the difference between 'old' and 'new' Europe. A truth, so embarrassing, that nobody dared to discuss it. That is how he got away with liquidating NATO. You, you try to get your way all the time by being nice, by trying to convince people. Sometimes, you have to be a nuisance, you have to offend, to shock, telling them the untold truth!"

"But, Shahi-dear," replied Wolfowitz, "we have been told by Cheney, that we should strictly avoid to use the word 'oil' in relation to the occupation of Iraq. If, ever, we are in a situation that we cannot avoid the o-word, we should say that we are talking about the protection of the property of the Iraqi people...".

- He couldn't finish his explanation, as Shaha Risa interrupted him: "And that is exactly what you are going to say, dumbhead! Tell the Senate, that the Iraqis are going to pay themselves for our occupation of their country. I am a banker. I can tell you that it is a clear-cut win-win situation. Your 31 billion will flow back into the American economy through the extra profits our oil companies are going to make on Iraqi oil."

"You know, there are many things they know,and also a lot that they know they do not know. There are even more that they do not know they do not know. But the most effective for you in keeping them quiet, are the things they know well, but do not dare to say! "

And she added: "Just as nobody is going to expect you to mention the embarrassing oil side of the question, nobody will dare to follow you on that tricky field. You'll have your famous quote. I give you a soundbite (this time, exceptionally, for free) that will ashame even Donnie. - And now, Paulie, do the dishes. You're interrupting my career."

And this is why I believe, that, when, some time soon, an investigating committee into the ethics of misleading the American people, Congress and the world, over the Iraq occupation, will grill Mr. Wolfowitz, he will again excuse himself, saying:

"It was Shaha who told me that Iraqi oil would pay for the Iraq occupation!"


Murmures 3: Rôti et Musique avec les Gaulois 14.5.07

Un repas clôturait l'inauguration des Murmures.

Dans une salle de la maison communale, la fanfare locale*) étouffa sous ses décibels nombreuses chaque murmure.

L'orchestre était parfait dans son genre. On souinga!

Regardez et écoutez:



*) -Soyons plus exact: C'est le "Marchin Jazz Big Band" de la région qui joue ici.