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Atrocities Masked with Absurdities - R. Fisk about Gaza-Relief Spinning [EN]

Justice Richard Goldstone - Still from Fisks videoRobert Fisk is a very senior writer on Middle-Eastern affairs. He is based in Beirut, Lebanon. Some of his books are listed below. This video-clip has the full text of Fisk's informed comment as it has been published in the British paper The Independent.

Every time, I feel outraged by Israeli behavior in the conflicts it engages into, I am reluctant. I do not want to fall in tune with extremist deniers of the country's right to exist. I am afraid, that open or stealthily antisemitic people will profit from what I have to say. Like Robert Fisk, I have known the idealism and perseverance of Israel's founders. I know, that, even today, a great many Israelis want peace and do not want to be a part of ethnic cleansing.

Those people are victims of the actual policies of their government. Therefore, as much as I am convinced, that only telling the truth about the ideas of the fake-friend of Israel in Holland, Mr. Geert Wilders, in spite of objections from many liberals in my country, who prefer looking away, hoping that the thunderstorm will disappear on its own, - I am as much convinced, that it is time, now, as the stupid and violent policies of Israel's actual government are crying for retaliation, to be part of those who tell the truth about Israeli-American spinning about what is happening in and around Palestine.

Some days ago, I borrowed from a friend his favorite citation of the French Enlightenment thinker Voltaire:

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."

I now know, that it is also true the other way around.

Those who commit atrocities, can make you believe absurdities.

Only exposure of the absurdity of Wilders' and Netanyahu's allegations, may help, to prevent further atrocities.

Robert Fisk: The truth behind the Israeli propaganda:

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