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Riethof, Brussels

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Brussels City in Danger

HOT Theme: BruXsel

Orpheline / Weeskind / Orphan...

Belgium is falling apart: How Brussels' citizens defend their multicultural community...

« België: Uitbetaling smartegeld aan familie Oulematou? Yes We Can! [NL] | Main | Gaza: Waarom JUIST tegenstanders van de genocide naar de Auschwitz-herdenking moeten gaan [NL] »

Gaza: Pro-Israel manifestation in New York. Dancing for the new Holocaust. [EN]

This post shows, that Jews are people, not very different from other people. Take this movie by AlterNet. The dancing, the ranting, the idiocy and the opportunism of politicians taking the rostre, are revulsing.

But, had I organised a manifestation in the early Vietnam years, would an interview with many of the participants have been better?

This movie is meant to show you, how scant the Israeli arguments for war upon the Gaza population are, the moment they come under discussion. Elder ladies from eastern european descent, most probably having lost so many family members at the Nazi camps and other pogroms, how couldn't you understand, that they are revengeful - alas, against the wrong men, women and children? Young people, a guy and a girl, who really bcannot explain, why they're there.

This is so stupid, that it gives ... Hope!

Even if it is very sad, it is for me a signal of hope. If it is all so shallow on the New York Jewish side, I think, sometime in the future, it might be envisageable to make those people understand, that giving a place to live to Palestinians, is not a treason to Israel, is not a hindrance to the coming of the Messiah (!), but a great work of peace to the Lord.

Thxs to Juan Cole and Alternet, who show us every day, that American democracy is alive.

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