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« Counterjihad Calendar Spoils its December Page | Main | Log 2.19 [EN] Belgium, Kosovo, Sarkozy, Holocaust and Ulfkotte »

The Year 2008 has no December for Counterjihadis [EN]

At the arch-stupid Gates Of Vienna Blog, you still can buy a Counterjihad 2008 Calendar

The front page looks like this: 

(click for larger image)

For every month, the authors have photoshopped an image that should illustrate, for a given country, the enormous danger of islamization of Europe.

January (France):

(click for larger image)

March is reserved for Germany:

(click for larger image)

September for London: 

(click to enlarge)

October for Holland:

(click to enlarge)

And .... December for Spain:

(click to enlarge)

And now: Tell me why December is different from the other months!

- Eleven months feature the horror of the Islam Moon coming down upon our beloved Christian and Cultural tourist highlights. The Muslim moons are all fake and added with photoshop.

But in December, the nitwits at work in the USA located blog, made a monumental error. The (Cordoba or Sevilla) Mosque/Cathedral was not vandalized and desacralized by Islam - no: On the contrary, the splendid Cordoba Mosque was vandalized in the 16th century by the triumphant Catholic Princes, who (in 1492), had expelled the last Muslims (and Jews) from Spain. The same is true for Sevilla.

This aerial photograph here, shows, how the Christian cultural vandals built a late gothic/early baroque church right into the middle of the splendid hall with about 500 pillars:


 And this is a map of the same mosque/cathedral:

(click to enlarge)

A view from the inerior of the cathedral into the surrounding mosque: 

(click to enlarge)

The December page of the Counterjihad calendar is delivering proof of exactly the opposite of what the other pages tried to say: Up to this moment, the only examples of real-world ideological damage to cultural and religious heritage, are not Muslim, but Christian...

The only way, couterjihad-believers may preserve their illusions, is, to tore the December page off the calendar.

2008 has no December for Islamophobes! 


A more thorough inquiry into "Gates Of Vienna", the international "Counterjihad" movement and its relations with the European extreme right, as well as Ulfkotte's position on it, is coming up in HUIBSLOG.

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