Flight 93: Somebody SAW it like I hoped he would.

In a comment to a post in BAGnewsNotes: "Flight 93 Crashes In ... New York?", somebody who calls him (or her) self "black dog barking", says the thing, I hoped the movie would inspire:
" Saw the film last night. It's about people, not institutions or ideologies. It's about people we don't know suddenly confronted with problems for which there is no solution and no way out. No heroes, no martyrs. People.
The film's violence is organic, not exploitive. This film is *not* entertaining. It looks into shadows.
I walked out with a much better picture of what might have happened. Looking at the inside of real flight decks, real air traffic control centers, looking at real people doing the same things to start that morning they did every other morning is illuminating, quietly and effectively. Good use of the tools of film-making.